The massacre of Armenians in 1915 was the right decision…

It was the right decision to kill the Armenians in 1915. Unfortunately, it was a late decision. Our people should have been careful and cautious before they made a massacre.

I hope that we will be vigilant and cautious before the Armenians who are described as a loyal nation commit one more betrayal and massacre.

The deportation of the Armenians was not an accurate decision. A very high number of massacrist, merciless, murderer, terrorist Armenians were awarded with deportation instead of being punished. This event has gone down in history as a disgrace.

Tayyip who has a perspective as if the Armenians who massacred two million people were killed unfairly and unlawfully, who commemorates the murderer and massacrist Armenians with respect can only be the president of those murderer and massacrist Armenians.

Such a bastard, reckless, impertinence, arrogant, traitor person cannot be the president of the Turkish nation.

It is very clear that an Armenian massacre is needed again in Turkiye. The Armenians who are innocent, who respect authority, who obey the law and who never get involved in dirty business must be distinguished and the rest of them must be killed en masse and urgently.

Wherever the pain, tears, persecution, religiousness, immorality in our country and even in our region, there are always the Armenians behind them.

Those who are doing human, organ, drug trafficking are the Armenians…

Those who spread gambling, nudity, prostitution, every kind of immorality are the Armenians…

Those are the Armenians who always infiltrated into our state’s institutions and they are those who send our taxes to the eastern-western countries…

They rig the bids and they even now selling our lands…

They are those who deliberately banned and falsified our nation’s religion and history by our own state’s power for more than a century…

They are those who have been trying to keep afloat the disgraceful system called Kemalism which is imposed on us by the London gypsies…

Threy are those who are building and using terrorist organizations, and are those who are committing massacres…

They are those who brought the President of Germany who is a money launderer, terrorist, murderer to Turkiye as an occupation governer when they are completely cornered and waited on him hand and foot…

They are those who are trying to turn our people into an immoral, corrupted, irreligious nation through the press, media and social media and even through various art fields and sport fields…

They are still doing every kind of savage black money business in Somali, Libya, Azerbaijan, Syria and Iraq through our army…

Because of those secret Armenians’ betrayal, their black money traffickings and high level of hostility against the Turks and islam, the USA, Israel, the UN, England, Russia, China and even the countries cannot be called as states can interfere in the internal affairs, regime and legal preferences, and even artistic and cultural preferences of Turkiye…

They are not human. The fact that they are called Armenians doesn’t prevent the law from being applied. Everyone takes the punishment of their crimes. Those people who haven’t been living like a human being and who are living like monsters today, must be killed as a matter of law. It wouldn’t be an accurate decision to deport those who have to be killed.

The Armenians from DEM and TKP must be killed at first. Also, their Armenian partners who are pretending to be Turkish must be killed.

This is the matter of law. Everyone and every group of people/communities who are dehumanized, who does not take heed, who are corrupted, who became monsters and who are demonized must be killed. Such people should never be allowed to cause financial or spiritual damage to the humanity.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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