Istanbul warns
The latest open and unlawful interventions by the US deep state against Trump have disturbed and disturbed me. At the moment, there is no real government in the USA and the state is run by the deep state that works for Israel and England. Both Biden and Kamala are actually out of the game, they’re void, and they’re just standing there to look like useless puppets. The developments that I have caused and will happen in the USA are things that will benefit the people of the USA and humanity.
I changed the balance a lot in England and throughout Europe. The Queen is no longer the old Queen and is in her last moments. She is taking her last breaths. Likewise, Russia and China are in deadlocks… The Ankara government will be overthrown in a very short time unless Istanbul stands alongside it. There is complete political chaos and uncertainty around the world. Everyone’s eyes and ears are on Istanbul… Istanbul has given the world the shape it wanted to give, and now it’s the last thing it has to do for the US people to become a truly free people, for the Queen’s evil system that has shed blood on the world to collapse completely, for the events that she has been reporting for a while to happen. making interventions…
Going against the people who are more or less with me in this struggle, or who may even be with me, will only cause me to get angry and the process gets out of control. This does not change the result, as a result, I will still do what I want to do, but the American people will experience great pain and losses. I’m not responsible for that either. Governments, communities, and influential and authoritative persons who act with me are also not responsible. While many of the current US officials are serving terrorism, human trafficking, organ trafficking, Satanism, and hostility to humanity, we are trying to save all humanity, including the US people, from the oppression of this evil system. This is a truth that is indisputably clear and open in front of everyone.
I do not want any side to be involved in the last struggles of the US deep state, which will do nothing. The parties that will be on the wrong side at the moment will have taken their place against all humanity and will not be able to stand up again. They disappear. Biden, Kamala, and their gang are responsible for the unjust deaths of tens of millions of civilians around the world and will be brought to justice. The US deep state, which serves the Israelis and the British more than the Americans, will also be destroyed and those involved will be prosecuted. The honorable real officers of the US army do not want the USA to be governed like a state that is the tool of other countries, and to be a tool for the grave crimes that are constantly committed around the world, and they will be with us in this struggle.
| Mfs – Ezber bozan – Akademi Dergisi