Hey, what’s going on?
The bionic robot in the image of Elon Musk, in which there is a female alien, allegedly bought Twitter. He gave a lot of money. Was that money really given, or was it like Aydın Doğan, whom I have exposed as a crypto-Jew, Satanist, enemy of humanity, and a great traitor and demanded his trial as soon as possible, so-called selling all the newspapers and TV channels when he was cornered? is discussed. Apparently, he sold it too, but in fact, he was only formally handed over to another custodian, he was in charge of the business and there was not even a real money/payment transaction.
I started a festive survey on Twitter, which I think has not changed the real owner.

It’s been about an hour and three or five users have seen the poll sharing. Don’t be surprised, that’s very good too… No one could see it. There is also worse.
Do you think they can keep Twitter, which cannot even enter the top 20 in the list of the most used and respected social media in the world, is about to sink and does not provide intelligence as much as before, if they continue with the same malicious intentions and censorship?
One might ask, are they actually trying to save Twitter? What exactly is that female alien, who is linked to the green aliens who control China, Russia, the USA, and Iran, inside the robot made in the image of Elon Musk, actually trying to do? Is he setting up games to get Twitter to crash immediately and completely, or is he trying to save it? Does he want the so-called China-based social networks to be used more and spread in western societies? Is it serving a new China-based Ankebut Cult project? Does it betray the USA and the western world?
This is a national security issue in the United States. And one of the most urgent and huge national security problems… First of all, their issues…
There’s also this part… I’ve been telling for years how the USA actually sank, even NASA is in a state of exhaustion… Elon Musk is a balloon inflated by the Ankebut Cult… He is not a man as it is described… He is as big and future as the projects and companies are told. that there are not things that promise… Even in these years, the character of Elon Musk and the works translated through him are completely swamped…
The entire world knows that they are in a disgraceful state in both space and car business. All of the projects are problematic and these are big problems… Even Tesla cars are very problematic, the damage is too much, and judgments with “destructive” and “destructive” results should have been made, but the Ankebut Cult does not allow this “for now”. Soon he will no longer have that power and judgments will be made.
These projects, this Elon Musk, these companies are kept alive “for now” by means of the CIA’s pool system, along with all the work that is turned over Elon Musk’s pawn. In recent years, everyone can see that I have pricked a needle into Elon Musk’s inflated reputation like a balloon and it has rapidly leaked air and shrunk. Everyone in their right mind understood that he and the things that were done over him were at least as submerged as Boeing. So, was Twitter, the real owner of the CIA, taken over to give Elon Musk a reputation, popularity, respect, love, and therefore money, as well as a political influence? Now everyone knows that some of the richest people in the world are the pawns of the Ankebut Cult, and most of them are field personnel employed by the CIA. They all try to achieve the same goals. It showcases the entire Ankebut Cult, which is actually swamped, and its final struggles for salvation.
Even so, the woman inside Elon Musk is trying in vain. He says amen to the prayer that will not happen. What’s left of me to land on the field for that? I have years of experience in me. I am so full. Everyone who is my friend and foe guesses that I will destroy Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other so-called social networks, whose real owners are the CIA, as soon as I strike the Ankebut Cult, one after the other, when I land on the field. I will show their true faces to the entire humanity of the world. They will be cursed.
That fragmented CIA must also take a stand… It must decide whether it is the intelligence agency of China or the United States. He must decide whether to serve Biden and his gang, a Chinese pawn or to serve the United States. They have to admit that it is not smart to serve a new China-based Ankebut Cult that I will never let happen. They must be on the right side.
Everything in this world has been mixed together, mixed up… Indeed, not only in Turkey but throughout the world, horse tracks are mixed with dog tracks.
Now, a sudden rising is needed that will shatter this chaotic environment…
(The survey is at: https://twitter.com/mfahrisertkaya/status/1519759277501689857?s=21)
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya|Akademi Dergisi