In the time of our father Adam, there was more advanced science and technology in the world than our time.
In the time of our father Adam, there was more advanced science and technology in the world than there is now.
Now I am writing impromptu in order to show that I am not affected by it as they thought, and that I can do my work even in these moments, when some people form huge armies and make violent metaphysical attacks on me and my team, and also to continue my publications that devastated them by resting.

I will write in colloquial language so that everyone can understand.
I’ll leave what I wrote as it is, without even a correction. Then if I have time, I will return and correct it.
In order to understand how high science and technology could exist in our world at the time of our Father Adam or at the time of millions of Adam fathers before, it is necessary to explain a little about what the apocalypse, the blowing the horn, matter and spirit.
Man consists of a soul and a body. It is impossible for us to know exactly what the soul is. These are not matters that can be explained in articles that everyone can read. The body, on the other hand, consists of anasır-ı erbaa, that is, four main elements. These four main elements are fire, water, earth and air.
The body, which is composed of fire, water, earth and air, is mortal, but the soul is immortal. It lives forever. Looking into the depths of the body, it is seen that it is made up of atoms.
When what we call death happens, the soul is removed from the body by the angels and changes begin in the body. It cools, changes color, and then begins to rot. The body, which we think is rotting away, does not actually disappear. It is divided into atoms, and the secret is here, in the atom…
When the soul of a deceased person leaves his body, his body begins to decay, that is, to split into atoms and become invisible. The unseen are things that we cannot see with our eyes, cannot touch with our hands, cannot hear with our ears, cannot smell with our nose, cannot taste with our tongue, that is, we cannot know/measure with our sense organs. Atoms become invisible, matter/body disappears on this occasion, but this is not a real and complete annihilation.
This state of being unseen does not only apply to the human body. It applies to everything that is matter/object. Trees, apples, earth, water, air, animals, plants, planets, space and the above layers are things that have come together with atoms, since they are from the corporeal/material realms. This is how the apocalypse breaks out. Everything that is an object/matter becomes invisible, that is, it separates into atoms.

They asked Hazrat Our Prophet (pbuh) what would be the state of the big mountains when the Doomsday broke out. In this regard, the 105th verse of Ta-Ha Surah was revealed and it was informed how the mountains will disappear when the Doomsday breaks. There were some scholars who gave the meaning of “they will turn into dust and smoke” in this verse, and there were also those who gave the meaning of “Your Lord will uproot those mountains”. Since I will briefly explain the subject, I will not go into such parts and details now, but since the ulama/scholars of the time did not know the atom, they could not fully interpret it and gave the meaning “Your Lord will uproot those mountains, crumble them into crumbs”. They couldn’t say Atom, but they got very close.
They asked Hazrat Our Prophet (pbuh) what would be the state of the big mountains when the Doomsday broke out. In this regard, the 105th verse of Ta-Ha Surah was revealed and it was informed how the mountains will disappear when the Doomsday breaks. There were some scholars who gave the meaning of “they will turn into dust and smoke” in this verse, and there were also those who gave the meaning of “Your Lord will uproot those mountains”. Since I will briefly explain the subject, I will not go into such parts and details now, but since the ulama/scholars of the time did not know the atom, they could not fully interpret it and gave the meaning “Your Lord will uproot those mountains, crumble them into crumbs”. They couldn’t say Atom, but they got very close.
During the event called Doomsday, all humans, jinn and everything that is matter will be separated into atoms. They will be invisible in an instant. They will disappear. When the second horn(sur) is blown, everything that has been separated into atoms will come into existence in an instant. Not only people’s bodies, but planets/realms, oceans and seas above them… Continents, forests, all kinds of things will be created by combining atoms again. Doomsday, resurrection will take place. However, wherever they were when the first sur is blown, that is, whatever they were during the disintegration into atoms, they will all come into existence in the same place and in the same state. The exception is humans and jinn…
They will not be resurrected on the planets on which they lived and died. They will be brought together on a huge field, in a realm that we cannot fully comprehend. In the Mahshar Square…
With the first wall, separation into atoms, with the second wall, reincarnation and existence will be experienced by recombining atoms, but since neither jinn nor human souls are matter/objects, they cannot be divided into atoms and their non-existent atoms cannot unite.
Souls will go to the hereafter, and now I will try to explain those parts at the most basic level.

Imagine a ball that has another ball inside.
Imagine that there is another ball in the inner ball, there is another ball in it, there is another ball in that ball, there are balls inside each other.
Imagine that there is a tiny ball in the very center. Here, to compare, the area we call space is that tiny ball. With our current technology, we couldn’t find the beginning and end of space, and we couldn’t even guess. We all probably know that there are trillions of galaxies and trillions of stars/solar systems in each galaxy, one or more planets in each solar system. We accept this. Maybe there are numbers far, far beyond this, but we didn’t know and couldn’t even guess. It is also wrongly called the infinite space, but space is actually a realm with boundaries, it is not infinite/limitless, and the smallest realm among the realms…
There is another ball, the realm, that holds the central ball, which we call space, inside. That’s the first floor of the sky… All the realms are spherical and the area we call space is inside the first floor of the sky. Such a large space is tiny compared to the size of the first floor sky, like a ring in the Arabian peninsula.
From the central ball to the top ball, there are seven layers of sky in a row. Besides the second floor sky, the first floor sky is as small as a ring in the Arabian peninsula. Each celestial level is so small compared to the celestial level above it. In other words, the layers/layers of the universe/universe are on top of each other, surrounding each other, in the shape of a sphere, and each one is unbelievably larger than the realm it holds. So what can we say about the size of the seventh floor, who have not even guessed in space?

There is more…
Above the seven heavens, there are also five more heavens. So, to put it by analogy, there are thirteen balls that are intertwined. One is the ball in the center, which we call space, which is considered as the first floor of the sky and is also not seen as a celestial floor. Within the thirteen floors, the seven layers of the sky exist for different purposes, but the five layers of the sky above it exist for different purposes.
The innermost of the five floors above the seven floors, that is, the floor we will call the eighth floor, is the Alem-i Kursi. Above it, there is a huge floor that we call Arş-ı Ala. That’s where heaven and hell are located. The souls of dead humans and jinn are taken by angels to Arş-ı Ala on the ninth floor, no matter what planet they are on. It cannot be reached in trillions of years even at the speed of light, but the soul is taken at the speed of angels.
With death, one goes to the realm of the grave. The corpses are placed in the graves, but the soul is taken to such a high level, the Arş-ı Ala. Heaven is there… Hell is there… Illiyyun is there… Siccin is there…
The souls that will suffer and will be put in hell are put in a place called Siccin until the end of the day when the judgment comes, and they suffer nonstop until the end of the day. Meanwhile, their ties with their graves are not broken, and they can see and hear the people who come to their graves.
The souls that will not suffer and will be rewarded are placed in a place called Illiyyun until the end of the world, and meanwhile, they see those who come to their graves in the world and hear those who speak.
When the first sur is blown, everything becomes invisible not only in our world or in our solar system or in our galaxy or in space, but in all of these seven layers of the sky, that is, in eight balls from the very center outward. Whoever is here dies, they die, their bodies are divided into atoms and become invisible, but their souls do not perish because they are not matter.
Then, when the second wall is blown, not only our world or only our solar system or only our galaxy, but everything that is an object in this seven-fold sky is brought back by combining its atoms. However, except for intelligent people who are responsible for religion, jinn… They gather at the place of Judgment, but these planets/realms return to their state before the first syllable was blown.
To give an example, whatever our world was when the atomic disintegration started, then it comes back again and exists. Was there a Nile river, it still exists and it is flowing in the same direction again. Were there continents, they still exist, and they still stand in the same shapes and sizes. Were there mountains and hills, they exist in the same way and in the same places. Whether there were forests, oceans, seas, they all exist in the same places and shapes. Whether there was a monkey or a bird or an ant or a worm in the forest we call the Amazon forests, they always exist in the same places, but humans and jinn do not exist. Their atoms are combined and their bodies are given back to them, their souls and bodies come together again, this is how the thing called resurrection occurs after death, but they are brought to the place of the apocalypse to give account. Not to planets where they lived before…

The reckoning is done, there is such a fair scale that everyone gets their due from everyone else. Those who are in heaven are put in heaven, not Illiyyun this time. Those who are in Hell are put in Hell, not Sijjin this time. Meanwhile, time is ticking within the seven floors. Allah knows how long it takes, but then Allah sends new Adams and Eves to these planets/realms. These are the new Adems( Adams)and Havvas(Eves) who have never experienced earthly life before…
Then their generations breed, maybe for a hundred thousand years, maybe for five hundred thousand years, maybe for a million years… Their worldly lives/generations continue for as long as Allah wills, and then their doomsday comes to an end. They are put where they deserve.
This has been repeated millions of times to this day. Doomsday broke out millions of times. Each time, new Adems and Havvas were sent, and new jinn descendants were also sent. Separate Adems and Havvas have been sent almost at the same time, not only to our world, but to all worlds on which life will exist. So there is life on trillions of planets right now. There are intelligent creatures of the human species and religion, and there are different types of jinn on every human planet.
In the verses of the Qur’an, “O people and jinn!” When it is addressed, it is addressed to all human and jinn species in the trillions of universes. And all of this is actually for one thing: the test…
After each doomsday, a certain period of time passes and Allah sends Adam and Eve to the world/planet he wants. But… Before the apocalypse strikes for the last time, what happens if there is very high technology on that planet?
It is very nice…
When it comes to the part of the dissociation into atoms while the apocalypse is taking place, if there are devices, tools, buildings, tunnels, various bridges, roads, planes, flying saucers, animal bones/fossils under the ground that have not completely melted, deteriorated, and rotted, they will return in the same way when the second wall is blown. they are coming. If these remnants have not deteriorated, rotted and melted in the long period before Adam and Eve, who will start the new human and jinn lineage, are sent to that inhuman and sexless planet, the coming Adems and Havvas come to a world where these are also present.
This was the last time in our world, this is how it happened… When our father Adem and mother Havva were sent to our world from heaven, there was almost everything in our world, made with much more advanced science and technology than it is in our time. Since Adem was the first prophet to whom everything was taught by Allah, apart from being the first human being, he did not even consider making these technological wastes work as an issue. Already in the heaven they were taken out of, there were similar ones to what he saw in this world, and even the most advanced technology here would be simple for someone who came out of such a magnificent paradise.
Contrary to the fallacies of evolutionists, Adem, the first man and the first prophet, actually lived such a life. Various spacecrafts manufactured with this technology were also used while traveling to Venus or other planets.
How many times has the apocalypse broken…
In a narrow time I found years ago, I gave it by sending voice messages while answering the question asked to me.
By bringing those messages together, I prepared this video in a short time. Those who didn’t come across it before should listen now.
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya|Akademi Dergisi