The Committee to be cleared of those hypocrites!

S.a. my Hodja.
There are things that I do not understand, until two days ago you said “our honorable Senior, whose sincerity and effort we do not doubt.” What has changed in such a short time, and why has there been such a sharp turn? The same happened with Büyükgöze. You once called him “a man of service”. Why is the turn now made? I can not grasp them. Especially Mr. Alihan I was surprised about his brother. What are the reasons? What happened in 2 days?

Two days is a very, very long time on such matters. Those who fall can fall even within two minutes. As for what happened, the last and the harshest warnings did not help either. Instead of correcting himself, he followed himself, his demons, the women and hypocrites around him. He went through the part he exceeded. He has fallen from the hearts of the Spiritual Seniors, and the grace on him was removed too. After my intervention, he had two ways. Either he’d come through himself immediately and fix everything, or show the same stance and get perished.
This is valid for Ahmet, Mehmet, Ayşe, Fatma, everyone. Everybody is at stake. No one has a substantial guarantee.

Everyone is given a lot of compassion, a lot of time, compassion slaps are coming, and some of them are harsh at the last stage, but those who do not straighten still do not. Moreover, even your compassion slaps are misinterpreted.

Everyone has been very nervous. What happened in the community is now intolerable. Everything is incomplete, defective, problematic, and worse still, everything is done is done dishonestly.
Finally, Harams has been spreading from the Akdeniz Toros, but still nobody takes any actions. While a few women are dragging the men they hold/play into the disasters of the world and the hereafter, they are dragging millions of our brothers and our way into disasters. All the true Suleimanians in our community, especially the sincere scholars in the committee, were overwhelmed.

The expected also happened. Our Esteemable Master(Hazreti Üstazımız) said what was necessary, and everyone with strong spirituality grasped it and they were not surprised. Nobody will remain silent and unresponsive to this situation, which has sunk to the bottom. The committee will be cleared of those hypocrites!!!

Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi


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