Hear but don’t believe

It is hard to believe.
Again, they still do what they only can and put on a show in front of the cameras. Both the Ankara gang and the Moscow gang are no longer exist. Both are dysfunctional now…
Also the dirty businesses between those two cannot functioning properly.
The Russian Federation is no longer exists and there are only a few visible interventions to openly disintegrate it. There is a huge disintegration afterwards…
The Moscow gang is still trying to keep the Ankara gang which hit bottom and finished just like them afloat and trying to keep the refugees in our country so this doesn’t happen.
They have tried in vain. They are all defeated decisively.
What they called “All the difficulties in the world” is me and the powerful allies who act together with, who meet me on the common grounds across the world.
The fact that other so-called governments who have supported the so-called governments and gangs like this so far are about to be collapsed was also expressed as a difficulty. There is also a meaning in that interpretation “We are collapsed worldwide already, but we can also act like we are not, see?”
Even a fool wouldn’t believe the shows they put on in front of the cameras and their lies…
There is no a process of Astana for Turkiye. Also, Turkiye have no obligation to discuss and maintain every issue with Russia or the western parties.
These treacherous and imposed acceptances are being fundamentally destroyed.
If a topic is to be discussed, all the friend and enemy parties will meet with the Istanbul-based Turkiye. Otherwise, every business of them are doomed to hit bottom and collapse everywhere.
The international meetings… The UN, Shanghai Crime Cooperation Organisation or BRICS… Or NATO… These are all theater, these are all collusions and Turkiye has no business with them and never will.
They will ask and consult Turkiye and they will receive “a positive response”.
The state of Turkiye is not a side or intermediary of the so-called Russia-Ukraine war game that is fictionalized and staged by the devil’s triangle, England, Israel and the USA and will never be.
Such statements, which the Ankara gang made hours before their own publicly collapse, have no validity, legal validity and effects.
If they want to end the collusion between Russia and Ukraine, they can end it with a single instruction to be given by London or Tel Aviv in a precise way in only an hour. The world humanity can no longer be deceived by these games. No one believe them anymore.
And especially since I revealed the true faces of the cursed Ebrahim Raisi and Isran (Israel/Iran) in a definite way, no one believe similar games.
At the moment, both the Ankara gang and the Moscow gang are making useless noises.
We are only a few hours or a few days away from seeing all the cities of Turkiye so calm and peaceful…
Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya
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