Your imagination cannot reach where my strength and patience can reach…

The time for giving chances and forgiving people is over now.

They are so weak and desperate against Istanbul that they cannot even play a game properly.

Both Israel party and the Isran (Israel and Iran) party have been thoroughly exposed.
The USA and others are also thoroughly exposed.

There is a major crisis in the USA. The USA in a miserable condition.

And Israel’s conditions are worse than the USA’s and don’t even ask about Isran.

If you ask me, let the red calfs go and sacrifice Netenyahu and his gang, this way, you would solve your problems fundamentally.

I guarantee you that you will get a final result.

I don’t even care, time is against you.

Keep your dogs away from me, there is a very tense atmosphere around here. Do not let them to walk around here. Do not let them to cause a turmoil in the entire world.

Those unnecessary people who talk here and there and who consider my state’s institutions their fathers’ own farm and saying, “We can clean up the files of Mfs but first, he must accept our terms”…

I make you eat those files first and then bury your filthy boddies. If you want some excitement, I think you are about to come up against the right person…

Do not play with my files and let them stay this way… Those files and the illegality are already exploded. There is only the bureaucratic detail part of it.

If you still have power and connection, then you should try to save thousands of your men who will be taken into prison easily and quickly…

Also, ask that your metaphysicists…

If Iran will be disintegrated, then it is me who will do it. If Iran will be protected, it is me who will protect it. If Iran will be destroyed, it is me who will destroy it. If the ancient Turkish lands called Iran will be included into the lands of Turkiye, it is me who will do it.

Do not deceive yourselves. You have tried to change the destiny on tens of issues for so many times, you couldn’t change anything. There were a few issues you made them postponed but even those issues haven’t changed. We are heading towards the expected end on these issues, either.

Do not get excited unnecessarily.
Do not obey Netenyahu and those who guide him. It would lead you to a dead end.

I’m not writing it to praise myself. That’s the truth…

I am the one who has the most experienced on driving against the storm.

Those who educated me were not the commanders, shcolars, bureaucrats, diplomats. Those were the life, the tests, the pain and ordeals who made me mature.

You can’t even think how strong and patient I am.

Tell the Putin character who had to retreat into a corner to close this theatre scene, to end unnecessary tension in the region and let no one make me nervous…

Also, forget about the nonsense in your heads. You cannot kill me, you cannot change me, you cannot take me, there is no way that you can make me follow you, you can never scare me, you cannot force me to an agreement. You cannot make me compromise on any issues.

You are all done. I rule not only the region but the entire world.

Turkiye is not a party of this issue. Also, Turkiye will not mediate and it will not interfere with this at all.

All the parties in Turkiye should know that I am fighting to protect the integrity of Turkiye’s borders as I have been doing for the last few years, and especially as I did after the Maraş-based earthquakes on February, 2023 and after the Israel-Hamas attack which was a collusion on October 7, 2023.

I will begin now to crush those who will stand against me. Also, I will hold the people who didn’t stand by my side, the people who didn’t care about our country, our state and nation accountable in the harshest way in the very near future.

There is no space for action for Netenyahu and the dogs on leash of the London royal palace in Turkiye.

Also, there is no space for action for those who are so-called officials. Everyone who are at the head of the official institutions of Turkiye legally or illegally should be aware that the old Turkiye, the old region and the old world no longer exist.

None of them have any guarantee to live one more day.

Very soon, the USA won’t be able to pay the salaries of its soldiers in the army.

The process will be ended with throwing out the U.S bases in various parts of the world and especially the U.S bases in Turkiye and in the region.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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