We’re going to mess up the subatomic particles

I am so tired of the Iblees’ bitchy decisions and behaviors…

I am tired of him constantly running away…

I am tired of him complicating things…

I am tired of his cowardness, deceit…

All the metaphysicists from all around the world should follow closely, I will collapse this world on the Iblees and all of his gangs from the jinn/human.

Anyone who want should stand against me immediately, should take care of the Iblees and protect him if they are powerful enough…

I am doing this for that the Iblees and his gangs who don’t have the power to hurt me keep some of my experienced crew members under mind control. And I finally exploded. I will kill countless satans from the humans and jinn as long as my crew members stay under mind control. It will not matter if it will be from humans or aliens. I will burn countless places. I will hit countless leaders and their gangs with metaphysical techniques. I will damage their countless facilities. I will destroy countless military and civillian vehicles. Especially, I will break down, burn their military vessels, submarines and container vessels and I will sink them. I will break down the internet lines between the continents and I will do so much more…

It wouldn’t cause a severe loss and damage even if I pour gasoline on this world and burn it.

Both above and under the ground will see painfully what it means to torture even one person from my crew with enormous number of jinn, mediums and magic simultaneously, and they will see what giving trouble to my crew means to me, they will see what I would do for my crew.

These cowards would attack even one person with a billion people if they can. This is how satanic they are. If they have the courage, let them send all of them against me.

I will even break the Iblees’ arms and legs. I will leave no unburned space on his body.

We will ruin the sub-atomic particles of everything living and non-living, humans and jinns, earthlings and aliens in our target. High temperature will occur in their bodies suddenly, there will be some people who will burn and their skin will darken. Any technology and intervention won’t be able to bring down the heat which will burn them from the inside.

The non-living things will lose its durability. The buildings, the bridges, the suspension bridges, the secret military bases, radar and sonar stations, the airport rowers, even the airport runways, the carrier bodies of the planes and a thousand more will be exposed to our signals.

Even the systems which carries the roofs of the underground cities among them.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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