Those who follow the politician likes of Mehmet Şimşek will lose big

Everyone should know that every politicians and capital owners who follow people like Mehmet Şimşek will be stranded and will suffer a tremendous loss or a complete loss in a very short time.
Also everyone should know that Mehmet Şimşek is one of those who will be trialed and will receive heavy sentences.
There is no need to discuss about Mehmet Şimşek. Everyone knows who he realy is.

They are all the same…
It is not possible to run for Congressman in AKPKK, MHPKK, CHPKK, HDPKK or in other so-called parties for those who are not money launderers, who are not a spy or a pawn of CIA…
Those who are not being dogs on a leash of London, who doesn’t serve Israel…
Those who are not the enemies of Islam and the Turks, those who are not from the crypto-ID traitors…
The Republic regime has never prevailed in Turkiye. We never had democracy in Turkiye. We never had multi-party system in Turkiye. We still don’t have any of them.
There is no place for the real Turks including in politics, in the industries, in commerce, in the judicial system, in the press and the media, in the social media, in the army, in education, in sports.
Also Abdülkadir Aksu is a pedophile, traitor, money launderer and a CIA spy just like others…
And the girls mentioned are not under the age of 20, they are very young female children…
Those who wrote “I went to England to learn the language” “I went to England for a master’s degree” in their resumes! Your masks have slipped and you are at end of the film.
Those who sent to England and the USA by receiving so-called scholarships from the companies, foundations under the control of the masons! Your masks have slipped and you are at the end of the film.

A news from 2014…
There are so many, countless points they are intercepted on the legal basis.
They did everything illegitimately from the beginning since 2002, in fact, since the party establishing process. All the so-called elections, resigns, signatures, laws and KHK have no legal binding or validity.

Gürcan Karakaş who is called the CEO of TOGG is an Armenian… He is a traitor and a skilled scammer. In a very, very short while, you will see him hung after he trialed.
Mark my words…
Gürcan Karakaş also is like an empty vessel… Not only the so-called domestic and national vehicles brought from abroad, but everyone associated with TOGG are like empty vessel… They are baloons inflated with false news and claims… There is no highly qualified, highly skilled, honest, real Turks in this kind of projects. Also, Baykar is full of secret Armenians.
A person who looks at/evaluates Gürcan’s face, body and the way he talks for only five minutes would never spend and waste his another minute for him. And he would never care about what is written in his resume.

Do not be deceived by the official statements. BRICS is actually a money laundering organization/partnership. They do every kind of black money businesses, especially human, organ and drug trafficking at the level of states/governments.
There is also aliens’ balance in its background. BRICS is a dark organization which the greys control it to a large degree…
I must add that Turkiye will not be a part/member or an ally of BRICS, Şiö, NATO, the EU, and even the organization of the US.
Turkiye is the leader country of the new world order. The name of the organization which Turkiye will act together with its true allies in the new world order will be “The Alliance of the Powers” (Mİ). The entire world will see that The Alliance of the Powers will be shaped concretely in a very short time. “The Alliance of the Powers” will be an international alliance in the military, political, financial and scholarly/technological fields.
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi