It’s time to be very careful.

Keep your gold in your hand. Don’t be fooled by the drop in gold. The field is artificially adjusted so those who do not know what is going on can sell the gold and get it out of their hands. They want to collect gold. The Europe/Euro crisis I have informed you about is also very close, but please do not worry about this. Despite everything, the Euro can recover a little after a massive depreciation in a short time. However, the fact must be accepted in advance that the dollar cannot and will not recover at the expected level. In a short time, Turkey will be the world’s most reliable port, and the world’s most valuable/reliable currency will be the Turkish lira. More attention should be paid to cheating in gold purchases. Whether the gold purchased is at its actual value or other metals have been added to it is now a matter to be much more careful. Even the most trusted places will do all sorts of tricks every chance. They will hurt those whose eyes are not open.

For a while, Turkey has been filled with fake dollars printed by Tayyip; from now on, it is necessary to be very careful with fake gold. The situation in Europe, the USA, Russia, and China is the same, and in the last period, they have minted huge amounts of unrequited money. In this way, they postponed significant crises. It seems that Mfs was not justified… Now the problems will explode even more violently; they will not be able to prevent them. Under these conditions, cheating on gold is something they will never avoid. Getting used to the constant news of crime, suicide, and suspicious death is necessary. They will not hesitate to spend money on critically positioned bosses and big companies, from which they can steal money.

Don’t let sudden short-term changes deceive anyone; gold is a safe haven…

| Mfs – Ground-breaking – Akademi Dergisi

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