A kind of Göbekli Tepe…

Watch the video of the Asian man doing some kind of Göbekli Tepe without being fully aware of what he is doing…

Göbekli Tepe was nothing more than a small part of a highly developed mining operation/construction site. It was established to make some of the liquefied mines extracted from the ground easily accessible to UFO-style vehicles on the ground. In this video, liquefied mines were flowing in the water-flowing channels, Göbekli Tepe. The technology was so advanced that for such a temporary mining operation, there was no need to set up systems with steel joinery to make long labors and incur great expenses. They could make huge rocks into the shape they wanted in a short time and easily. They were able to transport these rocks in a short time, even if they were far away. The bottom of Göbekli Tepe is more important than the top… They have known and hidden for decades that parts of the underground in that region were built with very, very advanced technologies. Even these days, the important things found there are not left to Turkey; they are immediately sent to the USA, England, and Israel thanks to the official traitors.

Those who built and used Göbekli Tepe for the first time left traces and marks that can only be made with high science and technology, but other and more primitive tribes also used it for the next thousands of years. The simple and non-technological interventions made by the people of the later ages are explained and shown to the world’s humanity. The same trick is done for the pyramids. After those who built the pyramids with very high technology, people who did not have science and technology also used or intervened for a long time. Most of all, the so-called British scientists (always Satanists) deceived the world’s humanity about the pyramids from the very beginning. For about ten years, we have also broken the rules about Göbekli Tepe. We got the attention. So much so that despite the heavy censorship applied to our publications, we had Göbekli Tepe publications reaching hundreds of thousands of people in a concise time. These publications and the critical information we provided indirectly reached tens of millions of people. Its effect has been seen worldwide. Nowadays, the needle is turning towards us, towards the truth. While the international satanist deep state is writhing on the ground and is about to take its last breath, the lies about Göbekli Tepe are about to be destroyed… Even Göbekli Tepe shows that the history told to the world of humanity is full of lies; in the past much more advanced science and technology, science than in the present. It proves that there are epochs of morality, spirituality, and civilization and that the theory of evolution is a malicious project of hostility to religion and humanity, spread mainly through secret Jews and Satanists.

Effective and authoritative people, academics, members of the press, and even social media actors, who still call it a “Temple” when there is no concrete evidence that it is a temple, should be subject to investigations. It is necessary to determine whether they are members of an inhumane international satanist organization, the Ankebut Cult, and the members should be punished in the harshest way they deserve. It is also necessary to investigate whether the persons in question have anything to do with the masonic sect and whether they use the masonic organization to “act in an organized manner”. No group or organization/sect has the right to deceive the world’s humanity, distort scientific facts with lies and deceptions, enmity against religion and morality, and try to turn people into animals with no excuse. The people and organizations in question who want the material and moral disaster of not only a group of people or a nation but also all people in the world and who are constantly operating with lies, sedition, traps, bullying, injustice, prohibitions, censorship, murders and massacres for this purpose. Their destruction is one of the most fundamental duties of humanity.

Mfs – Ezber bozan – Akademi Dergisi

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