Our way is certain and clear
It is not clear what they do or what they will do.
Russia’s stay in Syria still does not bother us. It doesn’t bother us that it increases its military power and build-up there.
The Russians will freely pass their military ships/vehicles through the Straits and our airspace.
There is no balance and change of decision in such matters. However, if the black moneyers working for the AKPKK and Ankebut Cult from TAF members, working for the AKPKK and Ankebut Network, still haven’t left Syria until June 15, 2022, 20:00 CET… From that moment on, I will see if Russia will give them the necessary military response. If he didn’t, there will be big decision changes from that moment on.

If Turkey has not completely left Syria in a very short time if more than ten million so-called refugees in our country have not been deported if we will not take all of Cyprus if we will not take the occupied Aegean islands and the mainland of Greece if we will not include Southern Azerbaijan within the borders of Turkey… Yes, if these cannot be accepted. And if someone is still not willing to let Turkey win while they are winning, there is no point in keeping Russia in Syria. There’s no point in that China trying to run around here.

If this is not the case, it is clear what it will evolve into… We will carry out a simultaneous coup within our army and state system. We will also start a Turkish-Syrian struggle/conflict, and we will ensure that our nation drives these dishonest and immoral people out of the border. No one will treat these people well and tolerate them. First of all, we will drive them to the European side. Then I will send our army under the command of real Turkish commanders to Syria. I will solve problems centrally and fundamentally. I will dismiss Russia and even Assad, who continues to make mistakes over and over again. Then, by including Northern Iraq and Southern Azerbaijan in Turkish territory, I will solve the huge problems arising there. On the other hand, I will give Greece the slaps it deserves one after the other. In doing so, there will be many allied countries and powerful groups within those countries with me. What I have done will cause Russia, China, and the USA to disintegrate very quickly. If there are still those who do not understand this, they leave politics and think about simple commercial affairs.
Russia will either do its part or sink into the Syrian swamp with Tayyip, drowning and disappearing.
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi