Even when dogs bark, the parade goes on(Dream interpretation)

Long interpretation of a dream that foretells major events in world politics

V… (Akademi Magazine follower):

I had a strange dream.

I attended Vefa course in Istanbul, where I was a disciple and then I served as a hodja for a year. They had called me there. I entered the course as if I stayed for a day. Normally, the bottom of the course is a paid parking lot. They told me to talk to the officer there. I arrived in front of the parking lot, there is a parking attendant who doesn’t seem to be connected to our road. I said hi. I introduced myself. He knew about my future. Said OK. An election will be held tomorrow for those who will work here. I will vote for you, I will get you here, you work here, they pay your rent from the dormitory, some expenses etc. He also said that removing it is no longer available. I hesitate too. Since I’m on the side of MFS, they won’t give me peace of mind here, but I also need work, I think.

Then the course manager, Hüseyin Bakır, came. Everyone respects him. So I got up, I’m waiting to see if he will come with me. I look at him, he doesn’t make eye contact with me. He talked to everyone but left without looking at me. So, how much longer will they be able to hide the truth by saying that they have received the message I gave, social media is prohibited, etc.? I think so.

Later, I am suddenly in the building adjacent to the course. Gülderen is sitting there. It’s a very old house with wooden structures inside. There are 3 rooms with the kitchen. There was someone. He bid them farewell, and when they left, we came face to face with Gülderen. He took in his hand a flat-edged, thick mallet-like tree. His sanity will scare me away. So I took it from your hand, now I said, “Shall I hit you?” She immediately stuck his head out of the window and started shouting like crazy for help. She was insane. Her face looked like a woman who had gone mad. Normally I’ve never seen it, but she had a very ugly face there. Then I didn’t shoot it, but that place belongs to our brother Ahmet Bey. I’m trying to own it. I feel and understand that he left me some relics. I’m shouting at Gülderen. It means that there are more relics left by our brother Ahmet Bey, it is evident from your struggles, I am saying words to the contrary. In an instant, the image of some people who drank and died on the edge of the places where the fire was burned and extinguished came to my mind. In general, they were the hypocrite hodja type…

Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya:

You saw yourself representing me in the dream. This is one of the issues that most of today’s dream interpreters do not know or understand. Very often in dreams, some people see themselves instead of other people. If the physicians do not know this and cannot take this into consideration, they make mistakes in all the expressions one after the other, such as buttoning a shirt by skipping a button or sliding it. Even if they know the word item correctly, they can’t put it in its place.

For example, places like people are often seen as representations… The loyalty course was seen as representing the center of our community in this dream…

The person who will hand over at the center and act as an intermediary will not even be a member of our community. It seems that he will be one of the very influential people, even if he is not a political/administrative person or official duty/identity.

“Seeing a parking lot in a dream bodes well good luck and it is rumored that there will be some developments that will make the dreamer’s face smile and bring his joy and morale up.” in phrases called…

“So, how much longer will they be able to hide the truth by saying that they have received the message I gave, social media is prohibited, etc.? I think so.”

It is understood from this part that there will be a showdown, a mutual struggle process, in fact, it has already started, and what they did most definitely was that they kept saying “Social media is forbidden”. The full Telegram will be heard and used by everyone in Turkey, they received the news of this in advance from the intelligence and they banned Telegram to our brothers/sisters a short time ago. Why is that? Because when there was almost no one from Turkey in Telegram, there was Akademi Magazine. It started broadcasting on Telegram years ago. It is understood from your dream that they will now hold back from these useless pressures and prohibitions, and the hypocrites will give up. He will admit that being stubborn is no use. I think that influential or authorized person will make a decision in this direction. It is known that I can meet people from many different parts of the world on common points. On the occasion of this, I will neutralize the traitors in the community so that the hypocrites, masons and cryptographers in the community are always managed from outside the community, even from abroad.

Alihan Kuriş, the freemason and black money leader of the Süleymanlılar(Süleymanians) community

The building adjacent to the course is the center, the place where our community is managed from the background. There may be different terms for this, but they all lead to the same thing. Gülderen really runs our community from the background, I’ve written this many times before. However, from the background, Gülderen Kuriş is led by the masters of the black money mason sect.

In their background, MIT(NGO) and CIA run. In fact, we can say that the Masons are running the MIT and the CIA. In the background, alien parties rule. Both Alihan and Gülderen have already been made bionic robots. In fact, some people in their close circles have already been made bionic robots. It is a game that Alihan sends all administrators and officers over the age of 50 to Hisar Hospital for medical check-ups, and that he even persists on this issue. In the meantime, everything of the administrative staff was taken. Body measurements, images, sound frequencies, genetic codes and even their memories were taken. Immediately after, there were people who made bionic robots.

If these things did not turn out like this, if the facts of those so-called community administrators, with whom Alihan and Gülderen committed black money, prostitution, gambling, human smuggling and various crimes, were still on the field, they would have given up en masse. They couldn’t resist that much. Because there are concrete proofs of all kinds of crimes and disgrace, not only in me, but also in many different parties. It is also evident that I played the game hard enough, that they were cornered very, very, very hard, that they were under heavy load for a long time. Under these conditions, they would either run away, commit suicide, give up or, as a precaution, the masonic black money network they were in would have destroyed them as well. In order for this not to happen, they were replaced by bionic robots. We can also call the adjoining building here in the dream the British Royal family. Over the years, I have collapsed many black money wheels, treason organizations, evil centers all over the world, I have even collapsed governments, I have removed leaders from the political scene, I have stopped or removed wars, but there are still parts that can resist. Those who resist have always been brought to these conditions, they have been kept standing by force with the interventions of alien parties. One of my two legs is my organization, the other is my community. Knowing this, they played tricks on my community and prevented me from solving my community’s problems and from taking over the administration that had been taken over by the hypocrites. However, it is clear from your dream that even if they want to resist from now on, a moment will come soon and they will collapse from the top down. Not only the treacherous top staff in my community, but everyone involved, down to the Royal family, will be knocked down from the top. I have already written and said, “I will cleanse my community. Calmly withdraw your men inside. As in every issue, I write and warn clearly from the beginning in this issue as well. I said, “I will give a respite afterwards and if you haven’t, I will make the necessary interventions”. They know this very well. Instead of shooting, more guys leaked. Instead of getting along with me, they always pushed my veins in this regard. Because they preferred to end the community or render it ineffective/weakened, as one of the most effective ways to end me. They made mistakes and now they will pay a heavy price for their mistakes.

Gülderen can be described as herself and can be said to represent the queen. It can be said that there are signs for both, they are the same system.

The fact that it is quite old is that the Royal family is also at the center of this cruel, evil, bloody wheel, all kinds of dirty work around the world for centuries. It’s also a sign that the end has come. To see a kitchen in a dream denotes trouble and burden, but it means a big gain in the end. It means to be victorious. It means a long smile on your face with joy.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

In the last month or two, many people, including myself, have had dreams that confirm this dream. The general terms of all of them are the same… The end of the Queen and even that royal family, which is one of the biggest centers of evil in the world, has come. The end is very near. I will face each other, there will be conflicts and again I will be victorious. If I am to fill this world full of irreligion, cruelty, brutality and tears with faith, justice and happiness, it is essential to bury that royal family in the dustbin of history. It is not possible to do this without them. This dream actually foreshadows how far I have come in a short time and that I will soon destroy the epicenters of the evil system in front of me, the Ankebut Cult. Even in this part, let me give the following information by going beyond the term. One of the most evil and prominent people in our community who played games against me is Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who was originally an Armenian/Christian and later turned into a bionic robot. It’s one of those I’ll be beheading as soon as possible. Not long ago, I wrote short articles warning him one after the other, but he didn’t mind. And this is his choice… I will also pull the strings of everyone who supports him in these works. I have already made a note of this in history. Because I will share this phrase publicly on https://mfs.tv/ .

In the relevant part of the dream, there are the people that Gülderen has just said goodbye to, and they are people who have already understood and accepted that this royal family has come to an end and that I have done everything I said “I will do”. I understand from the dream that they will read this expression and will not be more stubborn. They will break away from the royal family and the queen. Thus, they will stay in existence by minimizing their losses. Some parties will be wise and will not resist me in vain.

Actually, I just wanted to add a little bit to this part. In one of my dreams confirming this dream, I was waving a very long and solid board (a long board similar to what is called five-ten timber) while chanting “Ya Hay, Ya Kayyum”. This is the dream, there were two powerful, influential, authoritative women called zombies who acted unconsciously even though they were dead. While they were advancing on the asphalt road and in clear/beautiful weather, without an obstacle in front of them, I started to wait on the side of the road and at the same time began to swing that long board towards the road. I was spinning it on the road as if I was constantly swinging a long sword. I was able to cover about half of the way in this way, but the board in my hand did not reach the other half. When I realized this, a robot made in the shape of a very large spider appeared in front of me to prevent me. Two zombies would protect the women from the front and destroy me. I destroyed it in seconds. Then I destroyed one of those women who were still unconsciously walking to cross that road, shaking the board, saying, “Ya Hay, Ya Trustee,” and knocked him out of the game. The second one didn’t reach my board and it eluded me, but one of the world leaders was further down the road and he lunged after me and knocked him out of that leading game as well. I did not tell the details, and I do not plan to tell for now. But the robot spider means the Ankebut Web, which is already under the control of aliens. I’ll hit her hard and bring her down to nothing in front of me, and then I’ll destroy one of the zombie women, Queen Elizabeth, knocking her out of the game.

The struggle part in your dream is already clear, no words needed. I’m winning, and when they’re weak, they choose to scribble. So much so that they do this without recognizing any rules, boundaries or values. Here, too, we can understand that both Gülderen and the Queen, who is the main person behind her, will do the same. Here, I go beyond the words and comment with reason and logic that if the queen slanders me, many influential and authoritative people will have to follow her and support her slander and slander. For this reason, things get messy and big events happen. For this reason, there is a burden, trouble and struggle for me, but the end is good for me.

There are also relics left to me by our master Süleyman Hilmi Tunahan (ks.), these are already known to me, to our brothers with strong spirituality, but in this part of the dream, the main subject/trust is leadership/leadership. Alihan and Gülderen knew this from the very beginning, but they did not do what is necessary, they do not. In fact, from the background, the queen is dealing with our community as well as boiling cauldrons of sedition all over the world, and she intervenes in our community through the masons in it. He wants to cut off and end the service, my way, our way.

The end of this job is clear, whatever they do, it is given to the trustee, and then I do that rightful, legitimate, very harsh and very big cleaning that went down in history. I think that like Emir Timur, like Hajjaj-ı Alim, the Islamist/hypocritical group will refer to me as “tyrant” in every era. The dog will crawl, our caravan/path will always walk.

Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi

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