Efforts to make Lebanon similar to Syria, France, Russia, Isran

The Istanbul government:

The plans and efforts to turn Lebanon into Syria threaten Turkiye’s existence and integrity.

We will not allow risks and threats in the South and the North of Turkiye.

The Istanbul government:

We will be comfortable with the European countries who are collapsed, who have no money, who have been hiding its bad conditions and who want to cause turmoil in our Northern and Southern regions trying to exploit and plunder the European continent, to find cash in it and we will not interfere with it.

The history of Europe is full of events where they exploited each other and it will not be strange to us if it will take place one more time.

The Istanbul government:

If there will be gas and oil problems in Turkiye, there will be gas and oil problems in the entire world.

The Istanbul government:

We announce it to the tourism companies and Agencies around the world that from now on, we do not want to see any touristic, ruleless, evil activities which cross the line in Turkiye.

The strange problems have recently started in the touristic cities in Turkiye will continue to increase. The Airlines will continue to have problems. Even the planes will crash, even the ships will sink.

If you care about your income and your companies’ reputation, do not bring dehumanized scambags to our country as tourists. Do business with other countries.

Or if you don’t, take your chance and let’s see what will happen…

The Istanbul government:

Turkiye can stop the heart of the world, if it wants. It can do it without going into a war and in only a few weeks.

There is no party who can get Turkiye in trouble on any issue. No party has the cards Turkiye has.

The Istanbul government:

The military issues around China, Japan, Taiwan and the surroundings do not interest Turkiye. Turkiye is not on the side of any party over there.

Turkiye will not launch military or political interventions to these places with NATO or with some other alliances. Also, Turkiye will not be a part of BRICS or SCO which are unnecessary alliances already collapsed. Turkiye will continue to have its free stance.

If the USA, Israel and the UN will force Turkiye to join the military operations within the scope of NATO through the traitors inside of our country, at first, there will be great events in Turkiye, then Turkiye will crush Israel which is an extremely inflated baloon with its army. And the final and finishing blow will be struck to Israel which is country already collapsed and has no function.

Then, starting from Greece, Turkiye will moved towards the UN. And at the end, that baloon will destroy the USA.

I guarantee that Turkiye can do these. A Turkiye crowned with extreme power, technology and skills can go into a war with the entire world and win them on its own.

The Istanbul government is a very lucky government that it will present a new Hitler to the world stage…

The Istanbul government:

We can almost say that there is no such country called France anymore.

The Istanbul government:

The USA has no room for action or ability to move. Those who want to transform and exploit our Southern and Northern regions with the US-based plans are only deceiving themselves.

Turkiye will never allow these plans to be implemented.

The Istanbul government:

Isran (Israel and Iran) will continue to lose power and support. The collusions have been made through Isran will continue to be disrupted. It is not possible for Isran to be out of Istanbul’s influence.

Just as Istanbul have disrupted the plans that have been wanted to be implemented on and through Isran for many years, it will continue to disrupt the plans for our Southern and Northern regions with determination these days.

The Istanbul government:

Even if there would be not one but a thousand of Ibleeses in the world… Even if there would be not one but a thousand of Londons in the world…

No one can keep the black money, terror, exploitation systems and similar satanic systems afloat in Turkiye and in our region and no one can stop us from striking the final blows.

The entire region based on Turkiye will be transformed and changed. Whether the parties will keep up with it or they will be vanished.

The Istanbul government:

Everyone who are found to be openly or secretly satanist, soon will be sentenced to death in Turkiye.

If it is detected that the satanists in Turkiye sacrificed animals and people during their rituals and magic, the satanists in question won’t be killed by hanging or guillotine.

They will be killed just the way they killed the poor people and animals in the rituals, their boddies will be shattered slowly. These moments will be recorded by the official state institutions and those records will be shared with the entire world public.

The Istanbul government:

All the satanist individuals and satanist organizations, Cults including those who do not take satanic action will be detected and the heaviest police operations and if necessary, military operations will be carried out against them.

They will be treated harsh enough to go down in world history during the raids.

None of those who are dehumanized enough to follow the Satan, to being an enemy of the entire humanity and who want to do evil constantly will be able to breath or walk in these lands.

These operations will largely clean the sorcery in Turkiye.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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