Is the Hebrew alphabet the known oldest Turkish alphabet?

Is the Hebrew alphabet the oldest known Turkish alphabet or is there an older variant of it? For instance, what kind of a variant of the Turkish alphabet which was commonly spoken in those days in the era of Dhul-Qarnayn?
Were the Assyrians and Arameans Turks? Aren’t those who consider themselves Assyrians Turks?
Was the civilization called the Mesopotamia established by the Turks?
Is the language called Arabic the dialect of Turkish that we know as Hebrew?
Will the Turkish people establish a superior civilization in Mesopotamia which is also known as Belde-e Tayyiba in the era of Mahdi in the End Times?
Does the Hebrew alphabet have any connection with Judaism?
Is there a race called Jewish in reality?
Where are the Greeks and Rome derived from? The name “Abraham” was not written in the falsified Torah for thousands of years, it have been added recently. Then, was Hebrew really the language of the falsified Torah?
Was the true Torah a holy book which was really written in Hebrew by using Hebrew alphabet as people assume? How much the Iblees who is a ruleless satan has been deceiving the world humanity for thousands of years?.. Is there shocking deceptions that some circles wouldn’t even want to hear?
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