Why did you all fallen panic, Hakan?

What is Blinken saying?
Have he scolded you?
Everyone scolds you.
They say Putin won’t come to Turkiye, they say it is cancelled…

Do not afraid, continue with the plan… Start with Kilis, cause turmoil everywhere, cause so much bloodshed… Take all the Southestern region from us and then all the Eastern region…

Let it go and come back… There would be a good cleaning during the time. Let all the those crypto-ID people who pretend Turkish muslims and Kurdish muslims to be destroyed.

Do not cancel it, go for it. Can’t 38 states be as strong as one state? Even though you sell Turkiye insidiously? Even though more than half of the nation is rotten and stinky?

Pull yourself together, Hakan! You cannot be that despicable, weak and desperate. You should be ashamed of your Gypsy genes. What will you say to the Iblees?

Did the alliance of all the states commited election fraud for nothing? Did they put you who is a CIA personnel in this authority for nothing? Did they bring Ibrahim Kalın who is a CIA personnel at the head of MIT for nothing? They did it to use you for these days.

Beside many things, I am telling you that “Go on, I will not get involved.” You are still holding back because of your fear. If you cannot do it, call Blinken, Stoltenberg, Aliyev and his wife which is a female satan and even Austin or the head of CIA and let them do it.

You can call cadres from Israel, Armenia, Russia and Iran. Though, after the Maraş-based disasters, you have been acting like the country is theirs and let their filthy men walk uprigth in the disaster region.

I am telling you, Hakan, everyone will get out of this and say, “We never get involved in this” but you will be left with nothing. They make you wear a skirt, and they walk you around wearing skirt in the areas you walked with those scums. You will either walk and die for the cause or you won’t and die wearing a skirt.

They will do various businesses by working these idiots in our Eastern and Southeastern regions and associated the North Iraq, the North Syria and the South Azerbaijan region…

I can’t even laugh at it… They cannot even go to shopping. They have always been unskilled people and cowards and also high on drugs. They cannot even see ahead of themselves. They cannot comprehend even what they see. I wonder if these idiots would spend an hour without drug or alcohol…

Again, we unnecessarily get into politics…

They have no money, they have no man/cadres, so many of them are dumb and with no vision… Their supporters within and outside of the country cannot even help themselves. All of them seem like unexperienced and mixed football team and they say they will perform enormous projects. They say they will begin with building a new region and even a new world for this and will establish a federative regime/system for this.

Do not mind them, have you looked at the media and the places that are burned, exploded and collapsed, experienced disasters, which celebrities have died, which ones are very close to death but cannot die yet?

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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