Why do we care? Leave them to hell…

We are closely following the activities to disintegrate Kilis and the entire Southestern region and then the entire East from Turkiye.

We know the plans of Ankara government, Russia, the Orthodox, Vatican/Catholics, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Greece, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi America, Germany, France, China, England, the USA and others. We also know the plans of the crypto-ID traitors in Turkiye and especially the secret Armenians and the secret Jews. Also, we are closely following the betrayals and connections of the religious representatives of the religious minorities in Turkiye.

We are not fighting against the activities to disintegrate the Southeast and the entire East of Turkiye. We are not interested in how much blood will flow in the region, how much pain people will suffer, how many people will be kidnapped by the prostitution and organ mafias and how many black money businesses they will do during the disintegration process. We are not interested in a possibility of a civil war.

The process that we called  “The hell with the world” continues. We only interfere with very, very essential issues.

I have done so much for this nation. They didn’t only stay silent, some of them went even further. They tried to harm me, not to the enemies, traitors, the characterless ones, the tools of the foreign powers, those who are in collusion in the political scene, those who doesn’t recognize the law, those who commited every kind of crimes by using our religion and the colonists. They responded me hypocritically and insidiously with the claim of being muslim Turks. Even some of them were members of the tariqas.

The damned people must be cleansed on these lands. These bugs must be stepped on and smashed. We find this opportunity, why would we try to prevent it? Let the entire world burn, we are pouring gasoline to the fire, can’t everyone see it?

To whom do we tell, to whom do we mobilize? Who can we expect to struggle for our country, nation and religion? Where are they, that’s all just an appearance. We even have told the real identities and businesses of Ümit Özdağ who is a money launderer with a dark face acting like he is struggling against the covert and silent invasion in our country and the tiny gang around him.

We told that they are traitors, they are influence spies and carry out intelligence activities and that they are working with countries which are hostile against Turkiye, secret intelligences, mafias, black money gangs. The whole world saw that how I caught red handed the female lawyer on Twitter and how many times I called out the traitor Ümit Özdağ… The lawyer closed her account immediately. But what happened to Ümit Özdağ? He is still in the field? He is still playing his role? He is still making plans and agreements with the traitors of the religious leaders of the minorities for disintegration of Turkiye. The masons, the crypto-ID people seized the power in our state’s institutions… Even the judicial system doesn’t exist and what has left of it is after the real patriots… So, where are the people all these truths that I have been telling and teaching?

Millions of invaders and honorless people who were escaped from the homeland defense are living in Turkiye under plans of the known parties.  They are the priority in the universities, in every kind of placements, they can get treated in the hospitals for free, they act like Turkiye is their own country, they commit theft, plunder, invasion, insult against us but where is our people? What are they waiting for, their death? Here it is, not so much time left to it.

From now on, we will not sacrifice anything for those who cannot called a nation and those who are non-muslim dehumanized people.

Our lands can be disintegrated but we will take them back when the time is come.

La’natal laahi Ta’ala ‘alaihim ajma’een.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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