Preferences and consequences
In Sputnik Turkey, they made some meaningful evaluations with journalist-writer Ceyhun Bozkurt. Remarkably, these evaluations took place on Sputnik, right after the articles I wrote yesterday and when I rightfully attacked Greece and the USA.
There are very fair assessments. However, there are also unfounded worries and hopes/expectations that are no longer possible. Greece cannot turn the Aegean into a Greek lake. The US or NATO or that Queen of England can’t back the Greeks any longer. Just as it cannot hold on to the Aegean islands, the US/NATO/Queen cannot and will not keep their military presence on the mainland of Greece any longer.

They cannot prevent our plans for the whole island of Cyprus, not just the Northern Cyprus part. They cannot and cannot do more of the plots and unlawfulness they have done over Cyprus until today. Nor can they sustain the PYD/PKK/YPG terrorists in northern Syria any longer. The BOP(Greater Middle East Initiative) project, including its parts in Turkey and Syria, has become a complete WASTE project. We only have to do the cleaning/sweeping operations at the end.
In all these matters, Turkey, together with its true friends/allies, has the power to respond and defeat all its enemies, including the USA and Greece. Turkey clearly and completely does not need the support of the Russian Federation, which is about to crumble and collapse, to respond and defeat its enemies.

It is not even our problem where Zelenski spoke, and with whom he agreed on what terms. The recent events are nothing but the fact that a system that has sunk in the ball and collapsed is still playing its pawns on the field to show itself strong. Everyone sees that we do not argue or talk too much and look our way with our actions and give our messages.
Istanbul has given many opportunities for Russia and Ukraine to be involved in the current process. It has created great financial and moral opportunities for Russia for years. It also gave respite for a long time, but it did not help. Russia has always taken a selfish stance, wanting to have its say in every matter and always wanting only itself to win. He did not make any concessions to the ancient Turks and Islamophobia.

We took Ukraine from the edge of the cliff at a time that seemed impossible, but they didn’t care. Both Russia and Ukraine went in the wrong direction from the start. They’ve already entered the dead-end street. If Russia and Ukraine had chosen to continue on their way with Istanbul instead of choosing to be mere pawns that the Ankebut Cult does not even appreciate, colluding and chasing three cents of black money, instead of collapsing with each other and sinking, they are the countries that have become giants with Istanbul and have the world read edicts. would be among them. If Russia had made the right choices, the current process might have ended. As I always say, Russia’s wrong choices do not change the outcome, they only prolong the process. Despite everything, Istanbul is still the capital of the world. Now the AKPKK’s making the same wrong choice will not change the outcome. Only the time will be longer and some details will change.

Currently, there is no other element of power in the world other than Istanbul in the “truth”, it exists only in images/screens, in unnecessary discussions and broadcasts. And Istanbul has no business from now on with those who insist on going the wrong way despite all the opportunities presented to them, the humanity and good morals displayed before them.
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya|Akademi Dergisi