I’m coming
There are patriotic parties who want to use their will to carry out armed operations against the diplomatic representatives of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, the USA, Russia, and China in Turkey. I have kept these parties who are on my side waiting for a long time, I have always calmed them down, but this time I did not object to their decision. They are absolutely right.
I have always written, that if it is the homeland, the safety of the nation’s life, property, and honor, and if all kinds of legal systems have been disabled by the traitors, it is legitimate for all or some of the citizens to fight for armed freedom. It is in accordance with Islamic law and humanity as well as conscience. No one can even claim otherwise. This is exactly what the will and struggle called Kuvayi Milliye(National Forces) are.
Turkey is not subject to a covert invasion. Turkey has been under covert occupation for a very long time. The more we struggled to get rid of this covert occupation and the more we wanted to regain our freedom, the more humiliating and angrier we were exposed to, and we remain. In recent days, the attitude of being an occupied dishonorable nation has been displayed openly, emphatically, and showing off… We have already been fed up with…

Despite all my warnings, the “deadly mistakes” of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Russia, China, and the USA, who still support and watch over the traitors at the head of Turkey at every opportunity, and have recently given direct instructions, No need to explain what they did.
In the last audio recording, I explained clearly that Turkey will display a policy aimed at solving its problems wherever the center of the problems is. Maybe tomorrow, maybe closer than tomorrow, the AKPKK and MHPKK treason alliance will be overthrown very, very harshly.

I am writing here that the Turkish army and other allied elements will enter Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE right after. Yes, armies will enter. Yes, we will combat, and the whole world will be shown what it is to take a stand against Turkey, the Turkish nation, and even the Turkish world, to intervene, to watch out for the vilest traitors every time, to still commit offers and robberies despite the rising reaction of the nation. Then it will be the turn of other countries.
The nations of these countries, where the first intervention will be made, will also be ensured to get rid of the dictators, the so-called state leaders who set up and manage terrorist organizations, and their official gangs. Yes, not only Turkey, but the region and even the whole world humanity will be greatly relieved.
These lands, which cannot even be counted from the state, have become the coffers of all kinds of black money transactions of the Ankebut Cult and recently become pawns that will attract lightning in political maneuvers, are lands that have already been plucked from us by betrayals and spies working for the British. We will include these places, that is, our ancient lands, within our borders again. We will ensure that the said dictators, the family/relatives who aided and abetted them, and state officials who have implemented their unlawful and inhumane orders, will be hanged in public places.

Turkish soldiers are already full in Qatar and the army is with me in Turkey. Just as we have officially taken over the administration, we have already taken over Qatar. There are trillions of dollars they stole from us, and we confiscate and buy them in cash, gold, or company stock. We know with certainty that the UAE will not be an everyday issue for us. If Saudi Arabia was a real state, had a real army, and had the ability to fight, it would not have been in such pathetic and laughable situations every time in the face of the Yemeni Houthis, who had trouble finding bread to eat.

On this occasion, we will break the Wahhabi strife in those holy lands and the so-called Salafi/Wahhabi so-called Islamic terror strife that has spread from there to the whole region, as well as the modernist oppression that has been exerted on its dictators in the recent period. We will take the pedophile, British pawn, Muslim, and Turkish enemy from the Saudi royal family.
We will hang the Saudi Arabian royal family and state officials who are tools for their unlawfulness, hostility towards Turks and Islam, terrorism crimes, crimes against humanity, and exploitation.

I do not write in anger, I am quite calm. These are things we wanted to do already. Each time, we were patient with bleeding inside. We were enduring side by side when three or five Satanists, who were afraid of their shadows and played the role of Muslims, interfered in all kinds of internal affairs of Turkey and dragged Turkey and the region into trouble every time. We’ve been waiting for your day.
Now that tears it… I will take that Tayyip and hang him with my nation, take his carcass and throw it in front of the Saudi Royal family. “This was your pawn, here is its fate. You’re also a British pawn, now it’s your turn” and I will hang them in the squares.

Is it Russia, which we did not allow to fly its planes on the day of victory… Is it China, where we destroyed all its politics, plunged into a gigantic financial crisis, and tried to survive by dismembering hundreds of thousands of its citizens with fake pandemic games and selling their organs… In times that were already collapsed with everything but called the superpower of the world? the USA, which has not even won a single real war… Will NATO, which has already been shattered, respond to us? They can’t do anything. If they could, they would retaliate a thousand times over what we’ve been taking for years. Also, after the evidence I have uncovered so far, we will see that all their authoritative and influential names will even seek refuge in ratholes.
There is more, I have written briefly several times. We can decimate even tens of millions of soldiers in a few days. China, the USA, Russia, and the Arab terrorist statelets in question know best how we massacred even from afar in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Syria.
The Turkish army may even go to war with the rest of the world, as long as we stand by it… We do not allow airplanes to fly in the air, ships or submarines to float in the sea, computer systems to remain operational, or satellites to remain usable. Obviously, if UFOs came to their aid, we would even take them down.
Moreover, by declaring a general mobilization, I will march against these countries, these dictators, the chief terrorists with official authorities/authorities, and those so-called countries that are dragging Turkey into trouble in an organized and deliberate manner.
I will explain everything to my nation and to all humanity, by showing the most concrete proofs, on a watch. Then, “Get up, to avenge tens of millions of babies, children, young girls, and young women… We are going to bury human traffickers, organ traffickers, enemies of honor and humanity. We are going to end the epicenters of the strife, sadism, terror, and exploitation system in the world. As it is our duty to do this, all our material and moral problems are solved immediately after we do this.” I will say.
The people did not flee Syria, did not leave their homeland… By the so-called Islamic terrorist organizations established by countries with known terrorist coalitions, especially Saudi, Qatar, UAE, British, and USA, their children were killed, their parents were killed, and this is true for Syrians, those honorable people who have the right to retaliation. I will invite you to the fight. “Come on, this is the day of the oppressed to hold the oppressor to account. You too, stand up to exploitation. Take our revenge and solve all your material and moral problems at once.
The problems of our countries, our region, and the world will not end before these centers of terror and betrayal, which look like a state or statelet, are destroyed. I will say, “The day is this day.”
I will recruit Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians, southern Azerbaijanis, and anyone from the Turkic world who want to take booty from this war. I will accept men up to 50 years old to be soldiers. I will not impose any educational requirements.
I have told this much, the parts that I did not tell can be predicted. I’m not procrastinating. That’s how I take all my anger out on the traitors in our head, those freemasons, and Satanists among our nation, those black money sadists. I am trying to revolutionize this country. I am at my address right now, whoever or anyone/groups or even armies, from home or abroad, can stand alone or in alliance, who think they can stand up to me, should stand up before me now, if they can. Whether they can get up or not, our conflict is already starting.
Their dreams, even the artificial intelligence they use, are not enough for me.
Either neck or nothing…
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi