NATO, Europe and the Western World are finished off
As of now, NATO is finished. Europe is finished. The entire Western world has collapsed and is finished. The Grays are gone too.
This was their last mobilization, and that is over too.
Now is the time for a new world order. It is the time of a world where the Western world cannot exploit any country or nation. It is time for a world where the Cobweb Cult does not exist. It is the time of a world where the Masonic order has been destroyed and Satanism has been crushed.
If anyone believes he/she/its has the strength, let him/her come against me and everyone, everyone in the world, choose his/her/its side. You are either against me or beside me… There is no third group.
The loyal Turk has come again… A Turkish era has come again, and the darkness, oppression, tears and evil that prevails in the world will quickly come to an end.
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi
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