Büşra Tülü Karadayı

The deep powers know it well but you will be the ones of the first to hear this name. Soon, there will be no one left that haven’t heard of this name in Turkiye. It will cause a reset, a new beginning of the legal and medical system of Turkiye. It will fundamentally change the acceptance in community and the acceptance of the law.

There will be no one left who haven’t heard that how the state’s institutions and organizations have entered the service of criminal gangs by turning this woman into a simple pawn… How the new members and the formal members of the government have committed serious crimes one after another and how they let countless officers to commit the crimes… That no one in Turkiye have life, property and a fair trial security. Turkiye has lost its qualification as state of law…

The evidences, the files will blow up the country. Who are running this state and its institutions, with whom and under what circumstances? What are they doing to the Turkish people? Everyone will be shocked.

The complainant Büşra Tülü Karadayı finally withdrew her complaint based on complete lies and slander, because of she didn’t get a result for years…

One of the two false wintnesses finally confessed that she is a false witness before the judge.

They couldn’t bring the other complainant to the trial for over 10 years, yes, yes, for over 10 years, not even once…

It was claimed that I had a gun in my hand but it was never proven. Even the false witness testified that “he didn’t have a gun” repeatedly on different days but the case was not dropped and it will continue to be seen as a public case…

And I, Mfs have suffered a lot because of this rotten case which is full of lies. Because of it is what several states, these state’s secret intelligences, the Ankara government who have links to these states, also MİT, the gangs in Turkiye, especially Adnan Oktar and his people, the former presidents who are money launderers and a crowded staff full of traitors want… They wanted to give jail time and a mental health report to Mfs contrary to medicine and the law…

They messed everything up in the process, it has been proven that they commited new crimes at every stage of this process, the chief physician of the hospital caught red handed, the prison director caught red handed, so many witnesses who were public workers testified all the illegalities they did to Mfs at every opportunity, they have so many concrete evidences about the illegalities, it is revealed that the government and the related state institutions are used by the masonic cult but Mfs is not allowed to give a legal struggle and to get cleared himself…

Mfs’s petitions have been eliminated, he was denied the right to defend himself, he was not allowed to present the evidences, the court didn’t want to hear his witnesses, the false witness was threatened and beaten because of she decided to confess by feeling guilty or to get rid of the burden but these calumnies remained on him…

Because… Mfs’s life is completely clean and spotless. They couldn’t find any mistake, even though they have searched for it.

The citizens do not have life, property and a fair trial security in such a country as Turkiye.

There are spying, calumny, lies, misconduct, forgery of documents, organized treason activities/groups, money laundering, gangs and tens more crime types in this case…

I am sure that it will be filmed in a short time. But you should prepare yourself for the shock wave that will take place soon.

Anything can happen to this woman that I haven’t seen for more than ten years at any moment.

Because she have been used as a pawn by the very deep forces. This women should be taken under state protection by the patriot prosecutors.

Those who used her as a card until today will try to find a way to get rid of her, from now on. With her confessions, not only will the government, even the regime can change.

Yes, yes… With her confessions, those who seem like the government, the president, the prime president, the ministers, the bureaucrats, the cult leaders would turn out to be the gangs, the masons, the money launderers, the pawns of London and Tel Aviv.

The so-called branch of science called psychiatry which is a Jewish/Satanist invention/trap would collapse. Their so-called hospitals would also collapse. They ruined so many people’s lives through these hospitals, they destroyed their lives, they took everything from them… Also, they killed thousands of people.

They diagnosed them with so-called diseases and ruined their lives. Yes, yes… They ruined countless people with non-scientific evaluations in those hospitals (which are named after the crypto-ID people’s names) full of crypto-ID Armenians and Jews. They wanted to send all the patriots who are real Turks to the so-called hospitals. They wanted to get rid of them in those hospitals. The number of them is unclear. The approximate number will be clear when the real Turkish prosecutors and judges start to investigations and trials.

They did the same to the prophet Yousef. They did the same to the prophet Moses. Slandered them through women. Then, the time given to the tyrants and slanderers finished and Allah destroyed them. And Allah showed the entire world that the prophets were innocent.

وَمَكَرُواْ وَمَكَرَ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِين

And the disbelievers made a plan against Jesus, but Allah also planned, and Allah is the best of planners.

Ali ‘Imran ayat: 54

Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi

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