Problems will increase day by day all over the world

Do not miss the opportunity.

Tayyip and his supporters are still searching for money. They have no money, give them some money and take your place among those idiots who got conned by them.

And then, you should drink some cold water afterwards, it cools you down. Or you can drink some linden tea, it will help you to calm down.

As of today, the state called Iraq guaranteed that it will be destroyed in a very, very short time. Stay away from Iraq.

Also, as of today, the state called Palestine guaranteed that it will be destroyed in a very painful and terrible way in a very, very short time. Stay away from our ancient lands called Palestine, Gaza and Israel. The cleansing process that will go down with history has already started…

One of the reasons for me to destroy Armenia is the arrogant events happened in our country and our region. Very soon, the so-called state of Armenia will not exist. Stay away from Armenia.

Because of the arrogant events happened in our country and our region, I will bring forward the painful destruction of the so-called state called Azerbaijan whose people are pretending to be Turkish where mostly Armenian/Jewish people live.

As of now, I banned all of the civil and military flights (except the required medical and humanitarian flights) at a severe level in all of the civil and military airports all over the world.

The plane and airport malfunctiones will increase in all around the world day by day and soon after, the aviation activities will be stopped across the entire world. Those who have stocks in the airports and Airline companies should sell the stocks while they worth money.

This is your last opportunity for the stocks…

I’ve written it before, now the situation is more serious and I’m writing it again. Sell all of your stocks in electrical energy sector and do it immediately. You should also sell all of your stocks in oil and gas sector while they still worth money.

Because the power plants and the main distribution transformer centers will collapse globally… Every kind of distribution centers and vehicles and especially the oil and gas extracting and processing centers and the pipelines and sea tankers will be malfunctioned, will be disabled or sinked one after another in a way that will shock people. And all of the related parties will go bankrupt.

Also, you should sell your stock in the communication/information technology companies. Because, the communication networks will start to collapse across the world one after another. Even the GSM base stations will be disabled. If you have stocks in the GSM companies, you should also sell them.

If you have any financial loss, you can invoice it to the Ankara gang and especially to Sufyan and Bahçeli who are secret Armenians, to Mahmoud Abbas who is a secret Armenian, Pezeshikian who is a secret Armenian from Isran (Iran), those who are in power in Armenia, Abdullah Gül who is a secret Armenian and his gang, Hakan Fidan and his Armenian tribe, the Armenian actors in Iraq and all of the Armenian and Jewish parties in the region who made arrogant moves within the framework of this plan. Also, you can invoice your financial damage to the leaders and governments of the states who keep saying, “The state of Palestine” around the world. And before I forget, you can invoice your financial damage to all of the filthy people and the secret Armenians in TBMM which is an illegal betrayal place. If I were you, I would keep those who clapped standing.

I consider even tomorrow as a cliff… If I were you, I would not keep any of the stocks in any companies and in any country of the world.

As of now, there is a blood fleud between me and the “Russian people”. Either I will destroy them or they will destroy me… There is no a third option.

As of now, either I will destroy China or they will destroy me.

Fuad Hussein has also decided to go to where the cursed, Raisi has gone…

It’s a matter of preference, what can we say about it if it’s his own choice…

Stay away from the oil and gas pipelines and refineries, also stay away from the sea ports where the sea tankers are filled with gas and oil. Get away from these places immediately…

Such a world must be burned and destroyed completely… It is unnecessary and unfair to protect people, to worry that people will get hurt, that they will be injured or will die… That innocent people and their companies will experience financial damages…

The civillians and business men who do not even fight against evil in such a demonized world, and even after all these years, deserve every bad thing that could happen to them.

My sword is out of its scabbard now…

From now on, there will be no tourism activity anywhere in any state or any island of the world.

An Akademi Dergisi follower:

I’m waiting for what you’re going to tell with curiosity.  Your life is full of exemplary lessons and great effort. Even if what you have told so far would have been a movie, it may receive an Oscar. I pray to Allah that he will bless us more with your knowledge.

Get out immediately from all of the islands in the Aegean Sea called the Greek islands where the touristic activities are carried out. There will be very, very bad events on those islands. The countries of the entire world shouldn’t send any tourist to those islands. If they will, these publications and warnings of mine will be asked to the governments/leaders in the Court and in the media for so many times.

From now on, either Spain will destroy me or I will destroy it…

👆👆👆The sun might be hostile to Brazil… The explosions on the sun damage Brazil the most. And even the planes cannot fly in Brazil’s airspace.

I banned all of the touristic hotels around the entire world. All of them, from the biggest and most Luxurious ones to the modest ones will be exposed to very, very heavy metaphysical signals. Everything in those places will have malfunctiones and the people also will be exposed to the metaphysical signals. Some of those who will be exposed to the metaphysical signals will die due to unknown reasons. Fires will break out in a large number of hotels and related vehicles, services, planes and boats. There will be various accidents. Some of the buildings will collapse due to unknown reasons. There will be explosions. The electrical and communication systems won’t be able to function.

I have told these to the owners of the hotels and to those who have stocks in the hotels. They cannot say, “Mfs didn’t write about this openly, we weren’t informed.”

I banned all of the civil and military submarines in the entire world. Those who care about the submarines and their crews should bring them to the sea ports immediately and never let them go back to the sea. As of now, I banned even the activities performing in the civil submarines using for academic studies.

Stay very far away from the touristic islands where most of which consists of forest and the islands all coverd with forests the most. Because terrible things will happen to the islands which are trying to break the bans. There will be huge forest fires… We will see some islands that will burn and turn into ashes…

The oil and gas tanks under the ground in most of the countries will be burned and exploded. Do not live around those places and do not go to those places.

We have distrupted a small number of satellites, because we cared about the civillians and the innocent businessmen. From now on, thousands of communication satellites will start to break down one after another. Every individual, group and enterprise should be prepared for a great communication crisis immediately. There will be internet outages, too and there will be countries that will experience a communication crisis for a very long time.

From now on, all of the Freemasons should stop doing anything and start to prepare metaphysical protections for themselves day and night. They should do it without taking a break. Because as of now, a very large number of Freemasons will die across the world. Most of them will die due to  unknown reasons. Some of them will experience burns on their skin and eyes. Some of them will be diagnosed with heart attack and brain hemorrhage. Some of them will be diagnosed with a mysterious brain disease and they will made up something else for the other ones who will die.

And some of them will have accidents because of they exposed to the metaphysical signals. Some of those will be in terrible pain and they will feel like they lose their mind and they will kill themselves. Even if they won’t kill themselves, soon, they will die in terrible ways anyway.

The time of our deaths are at the discreation of Allah… The Freemasons Allah do not want to die will become blind, cripple, paralyzed, deaf, mute and will go crazy.

Do not live in cities with a central heating systems, which means the cities with a common heating systems. Move on to another city. Soon, you will understand me so much better.

All of the solar energy panels in the world without exception will expose to heavy metaphysical signals. They probably will say, “The extreme hot weather start to melt the solar energy panels.” But it’s not the reality… The metaphysical signals will distrupt the chemicals of the solar energy panels.

The problems of all of the professionel football clubs without exception in all over the world will start to become even more obvious from now on. If the football matches will not be held and if there will be problems with the live broadcasts, then, read these articles of mine one more time.

Do not tell me that I didn’t warn you Ibrahim, soon, there will be no functioning refinery left in the world. If so, we should quit the sea port business.

I estimate that the financial damage that the speech of Mahmoud Abbas who is a secret Armenian and Christian in the place filled with black money trafficker bastards called the Court in Turkiye will cause to all of the parties in all over the world is at least 500 billion dollars. It would not surprise me at all if this number will be even much more.

Spain will be destroyed…

Because I will never be destroyed. Then, be smart and take everything you have from Spain and leave the country. If you have portable goods in that country, sell them or take them with you.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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