If we have to kill you all, we will kill you all!

While attacking the people of Endonesia first with metaphysics and then, with my armies and dragging them into death en masse, I will remind them of this meeting and this photograph. This photograph is already went down in history.

While attacking the people of Turkmenistan first with metaphysics and then with my armies and dragging them into death en masse, I will remind them of this meeting and this photograph. This photograph is already went down in history, either.

Non of the treachery, infamy and hostility will go unpunished. The smallest punishment they will take will be getting killed quickly.

As of now, I banned all of the civil and military airports in Turkiye from taking international civil and military flights.

Those who want to risk their planes, crew, money, reputation, their own states, lands, everyone and everything alive on their lands should break the ban.

No plane, even those within the scope of NATO will come to Turkiye.

Leave the lands of ours called Palestine, Gaza and Israel immediately. It’s no fun anymore and there will be very, very violent earthquakes in those lands.

Get yourselves, your money, your goods, all of your portable items out of those lands.

As of now, I violently banned all of the airports and planes in the Russian Federation from operating military and civil flights, short-haul and long-haul flights, international and domestic flights.

Keep yourselves, your money, goods, all of your portable items, especially your planes, pilots and cabin attendants away from the airports in Russian Federation.

I will check out the condition of the field for about two hours. If the developments I expect do not happen, I will ban all of the civil and military airports in people’s Republic of China.

As of now, I banned our island of Cyprus with all of its parts that absurdly called the North and the South for all of the civil and military planes and flights.

Pay attention to it or not, but let me clearly say it:

-Even if thousands of civilians and tens of thousands of soldiers will die, I will not compromise on these bans.

As of now, I banned all of the mines, facilities, companies, vehicles and devices in Russian Federation without exception. I even banned the mining activities and mining companies which are extracting what the civillian people need in legal ways, and even those where dirty businesses and the Freemasons are not included.

The parties who want to try to break the bans can do that and they will see what will happen to them in a small period of time by living it.

I do not allow this world where my will doesn’t recognized and decisions are made against me, to turn. I will stop this world from turning if I have to and will destroy the satanists, the Freemasons, black money trafficking and the entire Ankebut Cult. I will destroy the Pharaoh descendant tyrtants and exploiters.

Are they looking for a game? They think that they are challenging? Here is the field…

Those who will take a step back are the cowards.

There will be major earthquakes in Turkiye one after another. All of the patriot elements should be on alert. We will only provide the security of the borders and the national security. We will not allow soldiers, civilians, so-called aid organizations from abroad to come to our country and we will not allow anything to go abroad from our country. We will not take care of anything else, we will not take care of the herd. Under those circumstances, the herd will crush Ankara under their feet anyway, we will allow them to do this.

Do not escape from the field.


I address the filthy men and women who are holding Sufyan’s leash across the entire world.

Do your best. If you take one step back, you are cowards. And if we take one step back, we are cowards.

This country is our homeland.

We will rule this country.

We will liberate our country from this covert invasion.

If we have to kill all of you to liberate our country from this covert invasion, we will do it.

As of now, I violently banned every type of mining activities and also the oil and gas extraction activities in the USA.

Everyone knows what they should do. They can do whatever they want, let them watch what I will do…

As of now, I banned all of the civil and military airports and also the civil and military sea ports in the USA and England in the most violent way for all of the civil and military activities, except the medical/urgent activities. All of the parties around the entire world can do whatever they want.

As of now, I banned all of the touristic activities everywhere/in every country of the world without exception and in the most violent way.

If there are those who haven’t heard what I have done to the touristic lands that I’ve banned, first thing they should do is to ask and learn about it.

And, they should immediately leave all of the touristic activities they are involved in.

What destroys the African continent is not the monkey pox virus, it is the metaphysical signals and Dukhan. I’ve started this process by writing it and publicly declaring it here and the process is progressing step by step. I will not leave even one person who has turned into a devil, alive in the African continent.

I will not only destroy the governments working with the Ankara gang, I will also destroy their peoples. All of the African countries whose citizens are here as students, refugees etc. will be destroyed. Everyone who doesn’t recognize my will, who prevent my country’s freedom and happiness will be punished.

As of now, I banned all of the civil and military airports in Germany, Spain, Italy and France from operating international and domestic flights in the most violent way.

Those who are sane and those who have seen and known what has happened for years never try to break these bans. They can do anything they want. Even if millions of people will die everyday, I will gain the freedom of my country. I will destroy the Ankara gang and those who support it.

I banned all of the mines, mining companies, vehicles, devices in Germany, France, Italy and Spain and also banned everything connected to them.

I banned all of the oil and gas extracting activities and the oil refineries in those countries.

Only the explosions and burnings in those refineries will cause gigantic financial damage, a very, very large number of life losses and loss of reputation to the extent that it cannot be repaired.

I completely and violently banned all of the civil and military sea ports in Turkiye. (Except the urgent medical activities and voyages.)

Even the public and private passenger ships on voyages between the two sides of the continents will be heavily exposed to the metaphysical signals.

As of now, the systems of the traffic lights will be breaking down in every country and every city of the world without exception. They will be broke down again after being repaired. It will be something that they cannot be dealt with. There will be millions of car accidents in a very short time and tens of thousands of people will die. The financial damage will be uncountable.

I banned all of the mining, oil and gas extracting activities and its processing and transportation in Isran (Iran).

As of now, I completely and violently banned all of the civil and military airports in Isran from operating all of the international and domestic flights.

All of the electrical energy systems will constantly break down and will be exploded in Isran. Isran is already collapsed and has gone bankrupt and it will not be able to change or repair the broken pieces of the powerplants, and also the transformers and the other things across the country.

I banned all of the civil and military sea ports and the ship voyages and activities in Isran.

Stay very, very far away from the tanker vessels of Isran (Iran) transporting oil and gas.

I violently banned the place called TBMM, I also banned to open it, to organize activities in TBMM. Those who want to try it, can try to break the ban as they wish.

I banned being a Parliament member, being a minister, being a senetor or being the chairman of the assembly in all of the countries in the world.

I banned the production of cars with electric vehicle battery and with internal combustion engines. Until a second announcement, all of the facilities producing these types of cars, all of the subsidiary industry facilities and factories connected to them will be exposed our metaphysical signals in the heaviest way. The events that will happen will not be hidden from the press and the media around the world. They won’t be able to hide the truths with lies.

As of now, I banned every kind of mining activities, oil and gas extracting activities in all of the countries in South America, especially in Brazil and Argentina.

If those who will try to break these bans die easily and in a short time, they should consider themselves lucky.


I banned Lufthansa from transporting civil passengers and civil cargo around the world and in the most violent way. Stay away from Lufthansa.

I banned all of the civil and military airports in people’s Republic of China. I banned the international and domestic flights from those airports. I banned all of the planes around the world from taking flights to those airports.

I also banned all of the civil and military sea ports and sea transportation activities in China.

I banned every kind of mining activities, oil and gas extracting activities, oil and gas processing activities everywhere in China.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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