Occupation governor
Istanbul occupation governor David Rose acts in accordance with the instructions he received from his occupation superiors
The new statements of David Rose about the invaders they called the refugees are not to solve the problems. On the contrary, even though there remains no way to keep those invaders in our country, it is the indicator of how they are trying to keep them in our country…
We have to ask:
- Why haven’t you done/implemented these things until now? Who didn’t allow you?
- Why do those who didn’t allow you allow you now?
- You declare that you will do/implement these plans after you got backed into a corner, who would believe that you will implement these now?
- Isn’t it clear from the beginning that these plans wouldn’t solve the problems?
- Who are you working for? Whose side are you on?
- Why are you trying to feed, multiply, spread, develop and organize other nations instead of the Turkish people?
- Do you consider eighty million people idiots and cowards? Are you sure you can continue to your invasion operations with a few statements and signatures?
- Will you explain and confess your real identity, your real connections and goals or are you expecting me to explain it and share concrete evidences?
- Under these circumstances, if it is said no one have the obligation to follow your orders, your instructions, what kind of response you will give?
There are several police commissioner who are afraid of the invaders called the refugees. They find their groups dangerous. They know that they are protected by not only AKPKK, MHPKK, CHPKK, HDPKK and similar crime, terror and betrayal organisation but by several colonist countries. They know that these groups are protected and used by the governments, secret intelligences and mafias of those countries.
David Rose who is the Istanbul invasion mayor is a coward as well… He is also afraid of the refugees and top names and organizations who put him into office.
Turkiye is in an undeclared invasion process.
The interoperability of our state depends on the foreign countries, the secret intelligences and international mafias… When under a circumstances against their interest, what they want is happened, not the will of the state. Therefore, those who look like state officials are making ridiculous statements and practices.
There is no freedom/independence, life and property security in Turkiye…
Even now, they are kidnapping babies, children, adults, drug, organs and weapons under the rule of those who work for the foreign powers in question and who have authority in our state institutions somewhere in Turkiye.
When required, Fahrettin Koca allocates the ambulances and even the air ambulances of the Health ministry for these businesses.
Everything of Turkiye, Turkiye’s every institutions and organizations are shaped according to the demands of money launderer states and huge mafias under their command.
Some leading leaders of the invasion forces who look like refugees in Turkiye can easily threat the top names of AKPKK.
They can even say “What are you trying to do? This doesn’t suit us, it could lead us into conflict, it would be really bad. You will take a step back immediately.”
There are also so-called deputies from the so-called political parties among those who are threatened.
Most of the mayors of Turkiye are afraid of the organisations of the invasion forces called the refugees. There were so many events occured in Turkiye which never reflected in the press. There are those among the mayors in question that reached out MİT and asked for help from Hakan Fidan but received no response.
The gypsy Hakan Fidan, the gypsy Ibrahim Kalın and the other are the traitors and the enemies of the Turks and islam… They were appointed in charge of these projects as invasion mayors, why would they work properly and ensure the security of the Turkish people? …
Those who died and killed in the last buffet murder case in Esenyurt were bandits that they were even organized and not taking the police commissioner seriously and working with the money launderers as they are at the state ranks. They are not Kurdish or Alevi. They are the Armenians/Gypsies who are directed and used by London, the USA, Europe ans Israel…

Hafize Gaye Erkan who is appointed at the head of the central bank by London is a tool of the money launderer, savage, the supporter of terror, colonist gypsy man who is the sheikh of Qatar.
She is known as the person who deal with his affairs.
I have been writing already that there is no country as Qatar in reality. It is one of the many tools of London that it uses for its every kind of bloody, savage and black money businesses. Those in the country have no connection to the Arabs, they are gypsies… Just like those in the Royal family of England…
I repeat it one more time. Russia and China have never been allies, they are not allies and can never be.
Even the Pakistan move of China is one of the moves it did against Russia…

The statement of David Rose about the rates of the crimes among the refugees is completely false…
They are still continue to lie to the people.
Why? For what? For whom?
Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya