All plans for electric cars collapsed

Those who will go into the lithium based battery business will fail badly. Billions of dollars of financial damage will occur. It will reflect China the most.

Do not buy any of the companies that operate in this field and any area/mine. Do not make any investments to this field. Even if you already began to make investments to this field, end it before the damage goes any further. Do not be deceived by anyone’s lies. Do not be deceived by those even if they are state leaders.

Do not be deceived even if it’s Elon Musk. I won the struggle on this matter also. The known actors of the Ankebut Cult are accepting that they cannot use lithium-ion batteries for electric cars… Even the leading car brands are trying to find a way to stop manufacturing completely. They need to solve the battery problem. It is very illogical to use the batteries which its chemistry is changing in heat, in cold, in the magnetic field and that cannot generate enough electricity and that even explode. They will have to take back the cars they sold and they will have to pay compensation to the clients. They know that they can’t find a solution to the battery problem in a short while. As long as they resist, their financial damage will continue to grow massively. They have to make a decision immediately. From what we’ve learned, they will withdraw from the electric car manufacturing and sale by making up excuses and getting news about it published.

Very soon, this field will collapse, either. From now on, tens of states’ organizations won’t be able to deceive or scam the humanity. No matter what country you live in… No matter which brand your electric car is… You should sell your electric car as soon as possible. You should sell it even though it will cause you some financial damage.

Soon, you will either won’t able to find those batteries or you will buy them at an exorbitant prices. Thus, instead of changing the battery, you will buy one or two useful cars with the same price of the battery. Either way, your electric car will be a garbage after its battery die and it will cause you a huge financial loss.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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