Hundreds of thousands babies and children smuggled from Turkiye to the USA

Hundreds of babies and children kidnapped from Turkiye to the USA

The Turkish justice system which is deactivated every single time… Our victimized and oppressed people who are incapable in front of the secret Jew, mason, satanist officials in our state system… Inhuman acts…

The U.S. bases and the NATO bases around the world are in operation to kidnap babies, children, adults, to do organ, drug trafficking and every kind of black money businesses, to maintain the countries they are in under a covert/secret invasion and also to do every kind of terror and betrayal businesses.

A very, very high number of babies, children and adults have been kidnapped from Turkiye through the U.S. And NATO bases for tens of years and they still continue kidnapping. They caused turmoil in Syria in purpose within the scope of the great Israel project and they reached a peak in the human/organ trafficking. In the last decades, tens of governments and political parties/leaders in the opposition in Turkiye are doing black money businesses with the USA, the UN, NATO, England and Israel.

These are very brutal and savage activities that would rise up the entire world humanity and there are tangible evidences of these activities. It is the time for our people to rise up, to immediately close the the U.S. And NATO bases in Turkiye, to ruin the collusions and to arrest the masons, the secret Jews, the secret Armenians and the secret satanists.

Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya


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