Secret cardinals and missionaries in the community of Süleymanlılar
Our brothers, who constantly follow my struggle, my writings, a while ago, told Mehmet Yetkin and Halil Yurtsever and other people that I called crypto, secret Armenian and they remember when I said secretly Christian or secretly Jewish or Mason.
Since then, not a single person has responded to me on these matters. “What do you say, is there anything like that?” they couldn’t say. They could not defend themselves, their relatives and colleagues could not defend them either. “Who are you to call my father/uncle/uncle a traitor, who served our religion, nation and state with honor, sincerity, faith and piety? You mean undercover? Know your limits? Also, no one has said that Turkey is a state of law, remove these publications/slanders or we will sue you. There was no denial from the Masonic cult either. Just as Alihan Kuriş and Gülderen Kuriş are silent, the others are also silent with the same anxiety and panic. As it is said, “Silence comes from confession”, they all fell silent, they kept silent.

They filled our community with secret Jews, secret Armenians, secret masons, black moneyers and traitors. They have filled it with hypocrites who have betrayed our religion, our Ummah, our Prophet, our Prophet, our nation/state. In addition, the inhumane black money business they do is another problem…
I have only disclosed a few of them so far. There is one of them that I have not said a single word against until this day. More than anyone else, that person should have supported my recent shocking disclosures/publications, and with his well-known voice, “Yes, my brothers, thank Allah we have seen these days as well. We also saw that these traitors who had infiltrated us began to be exposed.” He should add lots of memories to his conversation and say, “We heard and listened from Lütfü Brother, we heard from Mufti. He would say…” He should have explained, reinforced. He didn’t… Even though his conversations have been admired and exploited for decades, the knowledgeable ones have already understood who this person is, who never allowed it to be recorded and disseminated, with exceptions, and who terrified those who wanted to record and spread it. This person, who has been in the field for decades with the image of an extremely pious, extremely diligent, extremely sincere and genuine servant, did not allow the recording and dissemination of his religious conversations, which had no political aspect, because he had to constantly make up memories and guide our brothers with them. In this time of scarcity of knowledge, in this age of the Dajjal when the lack of knowledge causes material and moral disasters to spread, in this age of oppression and tears, why he so opposed to the recording and spreading of his conversations is a matter that will be discussed for days.
The person in question remained silent. Because he is a person who can understand what I know, what I am trying to do, who is qualified to foresee this and who has connections to learn…
That person is Behlül Karak…
Perhaps, when it comes to this part of the article, we will have sincere brothers and sisters who say, “No, it can’t be, it’s not that much”. However, this is the sad truth… Behlül Karak also played the role of a hodja and hodja from Süleymanlılar for decades, hiding his true identity and religion, as well as his connections. Behlül Karak is also one of the secret Armenians and secret Christians in our community where secret Armenians have infiltrated. A person who is a Catholic Christian even though he is Armenian.
In fact, he is such a person that his connections have already spread around the world, a person whose real identity is known, hidden but in contact with the highest people in the Catholic Christian world. Turkey has already absorbed the truth/shock of Said-i Nursi, the secret Armenian and secret bishop, as well as the fact of Fethullah Gülen, the secret Armenian and secret cardinal. However, there is not only one secret cardinal in Turkey.
One of those secret cardinals is Behlül Karak… Behlül Karak, who wears a red cardinal hat and secretly performs Christian worship in Christian communities in different parts of the world.
Yes, yes… Behlül Karak, who was my hodja(master in Islam) when I was a disciple, and whose stance and knowledge I benefited greatly from, and whom I said “I’m glad there is a hodja with such a stance and effort here”… Behlül Karak, who named my name Talha and showed so-called miracles in this process… Behlük Karak, who introduced the case, made me understand the greatness of this cause and made me love it… But every time I look at his face, he says, “There is a problem. This man’s stance, effort, knowledge, conversation, worship aside, but there is a problem in his face. He doesn’t have a proper face and energy. There is no light on his face. Behlük Karak, where I keep saying “What is this situation” and once I looked at him deeply while he was looking at me deeply and I never forgot that moment…
Perhaps, when it comes to this part of the article, we will have sincere brothers and sisters who say, “No, it can’t be, it’s not that much”. However, this is the sad truth… Behlül Karak has also played the role of a hodja and hodja from Süleymanlılar for decades, hiding his true identity and religion, as well as his connections. Behlül Karak is also one of the secret Armenians and secret Christians in our community where secret Armenians have infiltrated. A person who is a Catholic Christian even though he is Armenian.

In fact, he is such a person that his connections have already spread around the world, a person whose real identity is known, hidden but in contact with the highest people in the Catholic Christian world. Turkey has already absorbed the truth/shock of Said-i Nursi, the secret Armenian and secret bishop, as well as the fact of Fethullah Gülen, the secret Armenian and secret cardinal. However, there is not only one secret cardinal in Turkey.
One of those secret cardinals is Behlül Karak… Behlül Karak, who wears a red cardinal hat and secretly performs Christian worship in Christian communities in different parts of the world.
Yes, yes… Behlül Karak, who was my hodja when I was a student, and whose stance and knowledge I benefited greatly from, and whom I said “I’m glad there is a hodja with such a stance and effort here”… Behlül Karak, who named my name Talha and showed so-called miracles in this process… Behlük Karak, who introduced the cause, made me understand the greatness of this cause and made me love it… But every time I look at his face, he says, “There is a problem. This man’s stance, effort, knowledge, conversation, worship aside, but there is a problem in his face. He doesn’t have a proper face and energy. There is no light on his face. What is this situation? Behlül Karak, who exhibits the state of mind and makes use of the jinn in this field… On the one hand, he showed me this way, taught me and wanted me to continue on this path, and from the background, he had his gang cast spells day and night to keep me away from this path, that course, and even from this world. Behlül Karak, who had it done, who had cast spells on me…

Why should the so-called service together in Kırklareli object that I secretly called Halil Yurtsever, whom they betrayed, Armenian and Christian? Does he need me to disclose, he already knows. They knew each other before I went to their course as a university student. They have established a system within a system, a “community within a community”. Behlül Karak is the director of Kırklareli, Halil Yurtsever is the director of the course in question. Are these the only ones, most of the so-called hodja masters and hodja ladies there were crypto. The person he referred to as “Lütfü b’rer used to say thatttt” was also his master. He was also Armenian and Christian.
There is so much to tell that even if I say it out loud, it will take hours. Dozens of names, memories, places, witnesses will pass. Later? Will he be silent again, will he be silent again, and will this cycle continue like this? No… Now all of these, down to the top ones, will all be cleared. For now, I’ll say a few more words and then see who will do what and what won’t, and I’ll go through my few possible plans, whichever is appropriate. I will continue to sweep and clean them. Even if the whole world will stand before me…

Such people cannot openly take a stance in favor or against me. If they openly stood by me, they would be doing a great disservice to their main cause/path, their original religion, and their organization/community. They themselves also fall into troubles and dangers. If they openly took a stand against me, their true identities would be exposed, arguments would break out and they would be in rapid succession. For this reason, if such people were asked questions about myself and the Akademi Magazine, they would dismiss it as they have done for years.

For years, Seyfettin Alkan has taken Abdurrahman Bozan on one side and Hızır Özkök on the other. Even our sincere brothers/sisters, who do not know nothing, are bored by their faces. Why does Seyfetin Alkan show so much interest, support, support and raise these two bugles with extremely bad character, bad intentions, incompatibility, arrogance, naivete, and insincerity… Because, like Seyfettin Alkan, Hızır Özkök and Abdurrahman Bozan are also secret Armenians and Abdurrahman Bozan. secret Christians. There is internal solidarity of the “community within the community” at every stage, in every part. Here is Behlül Karak, one of the most senior and secret cardinal men of the “community within the community”…
Melburne Turkish News shared a post on its social media account on June 26, 2014. It reported that the Association of the Australian Islamic Cultural Center was giving a Qur’an feast.
Mentioned in the news
– Abdurrahman Bozan, Armenian and Christian
– Hızır Özkök, Armenian and Christian
– Behlül Karak, Armenian and Christian
– Mürşit Avşar, Armenian and Christian
– Erkan Ayçiçek, Armenian and Christian
– Ramazan Öztaş, Armenian and Christian
– Recep Kalyoncu, Armenian and Christian
– Yücel Erbaşı (Haberci) is of mixed Jewish/Armenian ancestry but is predominantly Armenian/Christian. Just like the head of Religious Affairs and the secret Christian Ali Erbaş…
There were many more secret Armenians and secret Christians there, including those from Turkey who were not mentioned in the news but were there that day.

Abdurrahman Borazan also wore a so-called cap in accordance with the meaning and the importance of the day.. The cardinal hat was alike red. This gang gave the parish community in the congregational “, the Australian visit to everyone has the supposed Quran feast and spoke to our Islamic services. However behind the background, they talked to their real intentions with their real identity when they stay together with Australian Christians. Then they made Christian worships according to their true religion. They have made it a great pleasure as they did this, they rated it as a great state of victory. Who can know, maybe “This umum will never stand up again. They propose a toast so that Silsile-i Saadat of the last genuine Mürşidi Kamilin’s way / community also completely captured and take it in the direction we want.
Who else will I reveal, but I’ll wait a little longer before that. During this waiting period, I will only reveal a few more “community within the community” militants, which are not very important but I think should be known, and I will tell some memories. I will detonate the big bomb later, and as I have stated before, then a great storm will break out in my community, this storm will then envelop the whole of Turkey, the nails of balance within Turkey will be shaken, and the government will remain under the explosion. Then this storm, this explosion will start to surround the world. It will shake the countries, governments, their secret services, their inner balance, and their mafia, that made these traitors in my state and my community. There will be great events.
Those who involve my community’s institutions in black money works, human trafficking, organ smuggling, those who include these institutions in the inhuman money business of the Vatican and the inhuman money business of Queen Elizabeth, in different parts of the world, in a short time, in Turkey or abroad. they will be dropped from the game and many will be executed.
Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi
Click here for the social media post of Melburn Turkish News.