There is no such system, no such state

Having a governor’s authority in a big city and a big city municipality and its mayor is nothing but waste and a problem. Being a district municipality and mayor while there is a district governorship is nothing but a problem, conflict, waste and clumsiness. Either the governors and district governors should be determined by election, or the appointed governors and district governors should be given wider authorities and those responsibilities that are currently assigned to the municipalities should be assigned to those authorities. . The bulky, problematic, incompatible, unbalanced constitution of the state should be corrected.

It is obvious that the current system is problematic, inconsistent and useless… It is obvious that it cannot meet the needs and causes huge public damage and problems… The state authority should be like a gear system/box. From the largest wheel to the smallest wheel on the side, they should all spin at the same time, in the same direction, in an organized manner. It should be embroidered. Choose that, assign this… That duty/responsibility to this, that duty to that… That way is yours, this way is mine. That job is yours, this job is mine… There is no such system. The governor’s office can handle all the affairs of a city. This is one of Turkey’s biggest problems, one of the problems that needs to be corrected first… The state machine has worked with problems until today. One turns to one side, the other turns to the other. One turns fast, the other deliberately turns slowly. One of them is resisting for years not to return, it is almost in conflict. Then the nation pays for it, how many generations have paid it. It shouldn’t go like this any longer.

If the citizens have chosen a government, if they have trusted him and entrusted the state, then should citizens choose different men to every part of the state, from the shank to the bead? The elected government should also determine the city officials with whom they can work together and who have merit. If a country already has the rule of law, the ruling parties cannot abuse such a system. They cannot appoint the unqualified, the swindlers, the corrupt, the oppressors. Even if they do appoint, they cannot hold it there, because independent courts do what is necessary.. If there is no rule of law, even if the nation elects the people who will lead the cities, what will change, still no good results can be obtained, have not been achieved and will never be.

Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya | Akademi Dergisi


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